TMP: Katatonia, Paradise Lost, Rebel Wizard, and More!


Bored? There’s maybe one or two things here to help, but probably not more than that.

Katatonia dropped another single.

Even more melo stuff from Paradise Lost.

Interesting hardcore stuff from Bear.

  • Pretty much all of Obscura left.
  • Another Trivium.
  • New Paladin.
  • New Binary Code with Jeff Loomis.
  • Some Lamb of God.
  • Vocalist and drummer left Malevolent Creation.
  • I think I liked some of Rebel Wizard’s last album, gotta check out the new single still.
  • I’m not sure if this Shining (not the bad one) and Ihsahn track is new or not.
  • In case you missed the new Ulthar.
  • Crotch Angry has some new symphonic stuff.
  • Controversial logo bracket contestant, Vampire, have a new track.

Bulk buys:

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