This Toilet Tuesday (1/16/18)


It’s time for new music again, and thank god it’s starting to pick up. We’ve got Vessel of Iniquity bringing some creepy blackened death, Xenosis with some awesome tech, and a host of other solid releases coming our way this week. Hans, Lacertilian, and I have picked out a few for your enjoyment, but there’s more to be had in the list below.

Clamfight – III (Argonauta Records) [Sludge/Doom]
Listen to “History of the Earls of Orkney,” “Echoes in Stone”

Getting surprisingly strong “closer on a prog rock album” vibes from the trippy first minutes of the song. Didn’t expect that, and it’s very pleasant, so check this out at least for that. Not sure I’m super in love with the vocals, but they’re certainly serviceable, and the growling later on is pretty good. Doesn’t matter much anyway, as the rest of the band clearly takes center stage and does well at delivering a nicely psyhedelia-tinged, sludgy, mid-tempo burner. 1/19/18 (Hans)

Verheerer – Maltrér (Vendetta Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Kultyst”

This was going to get featured anyway (by virtue of the fact that it fucking rules), but it’s also hilariously relevant to the “things ruining black metal” thread in the Facebook group. At first blush, Verheerer is just really riffy mid-tempo melodic black metal; not groundbreaking, but really good at what they do. Then, about halfway through “Kultyst,” they hit you with a breakdown. It comes in as a slow, simple stompy riff that gradually turns into some atmospheric church organ and sinister chording, and it’s just awesome. I’m very much looking forward to seeing where the rest of this album goes. 1/19/18 (Spear)

Chaos Echœs – Mouvement (Nuclear War Now!) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Shine On, Obsidian! Ego! Ego! Echo Back to the Yearning of the Self!”

The new Chaos Echœs is essentially a soundtrack to insanity. In just over 30 minutes, the mental French avant-garde/black/death/ experimental/doom/inexfuckingplicable group will send you on the best bad trip you’ve had this decade. Intense, progressive, abrasive, repetitious, yet oftentimes jarring, dark, and above all damn impressive, Mouvement is a must hear for those who like things on the weird side. The lack of vocals is welcomed as the record’s dense instrumental complexity provides plenty of depth on its own. And besides, just trying to comprehend the unhinged song titles should keep you busy while the record dissolves your psyche. 1/19/18 (Lacertilian)

Anvil – Pounding the Pavement (Steamhammer) [Heavy/Speed Metal]
Listen to “Ego”

Аркона – Khram (Napalm Records) [Folk Metal]
Listen to “Shtorm”

Barry the Mortician – Split in Half (Independent) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Split in Half”

Crimson Day – At the Mountains of Madness (Independent) [Heavy Metal]
Listen to “Nightwalker”

Dalriada – Nyárutó (Nail Records) [Folk Metal]
Listen to “Búsirató”

Dark Hound – Dawning (Rampant Struggle Records) [Prog/Heavy Metal]
Listen to “The Ashes of Your Worth”

Deathless Legacy – Rituals of Black Magic (Scarlet Records) [Heavy Metal]
Listen to “Dominus Inferi”

Decaying – To Cross the Line (FDA Records) [Death/Thrash]
Listen to “To Cross the Line,” “A Crucial Factor”

Deconstructing Sequence – Cosmic Progression: An Agonizing Journey Through Oddities of Space (Independent) [Progressive Black/Death Metal]
Listen to “Lifeforce Awakens,” “Memories of the Sun, Memories of the Earth”

Devil on Earth – Kill the Trends (Kill Again Records) [Thrash]
Listen to “Sleepwalkers”

Druid Lord – Grotesque Offerings (Hells Headbangers) [Death/Doom]
Listen to “House of Dripping Gore,” “Night Gallery”

Edgeflame – Beyond the Pale Carcass (Narcoleptica Productions) [Thrash]
Listen to “Wrathbringer”

Evil Warriors – Fall From Reality (Into Endless Chaos/War Anthem) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Fall From Reality”

Extinction of Mankind – Storm of Resentment (Agipunk) [Crust/Thrash]
Listen to “Engage the Enemy”

Gonoreas – Minotaur (Sonic Revolution) [Power Metal]
Listen to “Fragments”

Grajo – Slowgod II (DHU Records) [Psychedelic Doom]
Listen to “Altares,” “Malmuerta”

Karkosa – Harvest of the Adept (Independent) [Blackened Death Metal]

Kritist/Nicrotek/Desolate/Wolf Frost – I Am the Night Color Me Black (split- Cvlminis) [Black Metal]

Labyrinth Entrance – Monumental Bitterness (Godz ov War Productions) [Black Metal]

Last Legion – Muspelheim (Gravel Entertainment) [Death Metal]

Lechery – We Are All Born Evil (Bleeding Music Records) [Heavy Metal]
Listen to “We’re All Born Evil”

Lyra’s Legacy – Prisoner (Roll the Bones Records) [Heavy/Power Metal]
Listen to “Prisoner”

Make a Change… Kill Yourself – IV (Cursed Records) [DSBM]

Moonlight – Nate (Independent) [Gothic/Prog Metal]

Nafrat – Abnegation (Brutal Infection Records) [Death Metal]

Neter – Inferus (Satanath Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Rebirth of the Overthrown,” “Galvanize,” “The Eye of Sirius”

Nydvind – Seas of Oblivion (Malpermesita Records) [Folk Metal]

Paragon Collapse – The Dawning (Loud Rage Music) [Prog/Doom]

Project Pain – Brothers in Blood (Independent) [Thrash]
Listen to “Primator,” “I Don’t Give a Fuck”

Revolting – Monolith of Madness (FDA Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Ode to Hastur”

Rise of Avernus – Eigengrau (Aural Music) [Symphonic Death/Doom]
Listen to “Forged in Eidolon”

Robespierre – Garden of Hell (Shadow Kingdom Records) [Heavy Metal]
Listen to “Dwelling in the Shadows,” “The Black Mirror”

Sabhankra – From the Frozen Mountains (Metalism Records) [Black Metal]

Savage Machine – Abandon Earth (Independent) [Power Metal]

Sonic Prophecy – Savage Gods (Rockshots Records) [Heavy/Power Metal]
Listen to “Night Terror”

Spectral Lore/Jute Gyte – Helian (split- I, Voidhanger) [Black Metal/Some Weird Shit]

Tortharry – Sinister Species (MetalGate Records) [Melodeath]
Listen to “Without a Break”

UltraSuicide/Act Happy/GreySky BurnedEarth – Until Death Do Us Part (split- Dragon Teeth Productions) [DSBM]

Unshine – Astrala (Rockshots Records) [Doom]

Vessel of Iniquity – s/t (Sentient Ruin/Xenoglossy) [Weird Death/Black]
Review/Toilet Stream

Warfist/Excidium – Laws of Perversion & Filth (split- Godz ov War Productions) [Black Thrash]

Witchcryer – Cry Witch (Ripple Music) [Doom]

Worthlessness – Fallen (Independent) [Experimental Black Metal]

Xenosis – Devour and Birth (Independent) [Prog/Tech Death]
Listen to “Army of Darkness,” “Delirium”

Yhdarl – Loss (I, Voidhanger) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Ignite – Ashes”

Did we forget a new release? Is there a way we could improve this list? Let us know in the comments below!

(Images VIA, VIA)

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