This Toilet Tuesday (3/7/17)


Welcome once more to This Toilet Tuesday! We’ve got a hell of a week ahead with tons of new music and a pile of recommendations to go with it. There’s a lot to check out this week, so let’s cut to the chase.

Pillorian – Obsidian Arc (Eisenwald) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Archaen Divinity,” “A Stygian Pyre”

If Marrow of the Spirit was John Haughm’s Animals, and The Serpent & the Sphere was his Final Cut, Obsidian Arc is his Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking. Just like Roger Waters shed much of the psychedelia, prog, art rock, and the smattering of folk and blues that made the early Pink Floyd albums great, mostly gone too are the varied styles and dynamics of Haughm’s great Agalloch albums, and what’s left is (for better or for worse) a much more distilled, singular black metal vision. A vision of obsidian darkness. 3/10/17 (Pagliacci is Kvlt)

Havok – Conformicide (Century Media Records) [Thrash]
Listen to “Hang ‘Em High,” “Intention To Deceive,” “Ingsoc”

Colorado thrashers Havok are back with another, uh, interestingly titled album Conformicide. Part of that neo-thrash gamut of bands that came out of the mid-aughts, Havok have traditionally channeled the bouncy, thrashy riffs of Exodus, coupled with the riffing and melodies of Megadeth, making it their own as they do it, but still letting their influences shine through. In addition, they have always had a political bent to their musical output, their politics – or their love for anti-government lyrics anyways – coming to the forefront on their last release from 2013 Unnatural Selection. Based on the four songs released so far that we were able to access, their politics are still strong in the forefront, but the interesting songwriting may have fallen to the wayside. From nu-metal riffing on the opening of “Ingsoc,” to the really flat drumming – both stylistically and production wise – Conformicide may be a step-back for this band who have never really pushed the boundaries like their contemporaries like Vektor. But, hey, at least they never went full PIZZA THRASH. FFO: new Megadeth, Infowars, vaping, Atlas Shrugged 3/10/17 (Butts4Gutts)

Lubricant – Swallow This (Svart Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Semistarvation”

If death metal was gravel, and rock n roll was uh. . . wet sand or something, that’d make grindcore a bucket of screws. Lubricant are a recently reunited Finnish band whose output consists of a demo and an EP from 1990-93, which have been collected together and remastered for this release. Although Entombed’s Wolverine Blues album set the standard for death ‘n’ roll, these guys seem to have beaten them to the punch by a couple years with their demo. Going back to that shoddy opening metaphor/analogy, Lubricant’s sound is the metal equivalent of rocky road ice cream: mostly smooth and creamy, but with a few screws thrown in, so you might prefer to call this death-grind ‘n’ roll. Despite how extreme that might sound, the guitars are actually decently clean, which results in a lot of clarity and lends the songs a punk-ish feel in several spots, while the occasional, bite-sized blasts of grind shake things up and make the hard rock bits even catchier in contrast. Bottom line: it’s real fun stuff, and I’m looking forward to what these guys do in the near future! 3/10/17 (Dumpster Lung)

Earth Witch – Out of the Shallow (Independent) [Doom]
Listen to “Riff Rider”

Despite the fact that we had a mild winter, we can look forward to longer, sunnier days in the future. You know spring is upon us when a trip to the local dispensary means staying in line for over 30 mins. Finally, the weather is comfortable enough to be able to enjoy a cerebral enhancer while taking a stroll through your favourite park, trail or city street. Of course, the best way to pair such a wonderful stroll is with some good ol’ fashion stoner doom that is heavily saturated with bluesy riffs and silky solos. A couple of listens paired with the King Nebula that was recently purchased was enough convincing needed to click “Checkout with Paypal”. There’s a song on this record called “Starfighter”…you know damn well that that song is going to A fucking Plus. FFO: Truckfighters, Barnburner, Early Red Fang, Orange fucking Goblin 3/10/17 (BertBanana)

Hands – New Heaven / New Earth (Facedown Records) [Sludge/Post-Metal]
Listen to “New Heaven,” “New Earth”

The past weekend, my old lady gave me shit about the fact I listen too much heavy music. I was dumbfounded by the comment to be quite honest. Can one really listen to too much heavy music? Granted, lately, my playlist has consisted mainly of grindcore, tech death…and Sepultura’s Beneath the Remains (the best Sepultura album). Sure, I sprinkle some synthwave here and there…but let’s be real here; I’m not running from cybernetic organisms sent from the future or intergalactic game hunters everyday. Nor am I resisting the MCP’s tyrannical rule of The Grid. With that said, I think I found my way out of the doghouse. While the EP is only 2 songs…they are quite different from one another. “New Heaven” has some weight and crunch to it while “New Earth” reminds me some combination of Alcest and Matthew Good. Personally, I’m more partial to side A (“New Heaven”) but the tranquility of “New Earth” has its merits. There is enough substance in the 9 mins to pique interest to anticipate a future release. FFO: Everything in Slow Motion (same singer), You might get a bit of an Isis vibe…Newer Alcest. Eh, I’m taking this a sign I should listen to more Post-Rock w/ Alt-Rock tones 3/10/17 (BertBanana)

In the Company of Serpents – Ain-Soph Aur (Independent) [Doom]
Listen to “Crucible”

What In the Company of Serpents accomplishes on their single “Crucible,” a teaser for their new album Ain-Soph Aur is a near seamless blend of Spaghetti Western and doom metal. The bluesy opening riffs trod along at a contemplative pace and the spacious production lends itself to the western aesthetic without going overboard. A real standout on this track Grant Netzorg’s vocal delivery, which sounds like it was influenced by “Sevengill” off of Giant Squid’s The Ichthyologist, and it drives home the “dusty as fuck, too old for this shit” vibe. Once all of the cowboy fun and games are done they build up (as is per tradition) into standard doom metal riffage. To be honest, the doom elements of this track are well executed, but blasé. I much preferred the “high noon and out of water” approach that sandwiches the doom passage together. Nonetheless, I am looking forward to hearing the rest of this album to see how well they balance these two elements with one another. Ain-Soph Aur arrives this Friday and you can snag yourself some dusty ass doom here. 3/10/17 (NefariousDude)

Burn Fetish – They Watch From The Sky With Crooked Smiles (Independent) [Weird Punk]

This one technically came out last week, but whatever, it’s close enough. Burn Fetish is the drunken punk equivalent of Primus or Mr. Bungle, replete with chaotic vocals and slurred guitar work kept upright by a slightly more sober rhythm section. They Watch From The Sky falls into that weird not-quite-dissonant, not-quite-melodic camp that sways heavily in both directions, and… well, I’m not really sure how to describe it from there. All I can say is that it’s ugly and unpalatable, and I fucking love it. Also, they donate all their proceeds to Planned Parenthood and 15now, so that’s pretty rad, too. 3/2/17 (Spear)

Positronic Brain – Resistance is Futile (Independent) [Thrash]

*JEFF FOXWORTHY VOICE* If the name “Positronic Brain” sounds familiar to you, you might be a Toilet ov Hell commenter. Loyal reader Mike Taylor, otherwise known as Positronic Brain just dropped his 2nd EP of Star Trek-themed thrash. Recorded in a single month after participating in a “record an album in the month of February” challenge, Resistance is Futile is a sweet slice of throwback 80s thrash with tight riffs and snarling vocals all centered around Star Trek; the space fantasy series that never featured a man open mouth kissing his sister. 3/6/17 (Joe)

Atlas Pain – What the Oak Left (Scarlet Records) [Folk Metal]
Listen to “The Counter Dance”

Black Cilice – Banished from Time (Iron Bonehead Productions) [Black Metal]

The Bloody Earth – Inevitable (Miner Records) [Death/Doom]

Cellador – Off the Grid (Scarlet Records) [Power Metal]
Listen to “Shadowfold”

Charlie’s Frontier Fun Town – In Dust We Trust (Independent) [Southern Metal]
Listen to “Drunk Over Tail”

Condemned – His Divine Shadow (Unique Leader Records) [Brutal Death Metal]
Listen to “Omniscient Perturbations”

Damnation Plan – Reality Illusion (Inverse Records) [Melodeath]
Listen to “Reality Illusion”

Dark Ages – A Closer Look (Andromeda Relix) [Prog Metal]
Listen to “A Closer Look”

The Dark Prison Massacre – Deformity of Human Consciousness (Pathologically Explicit) [Slamela Anderson]

Deathwhite – For a Black Tomorrow (Independent) [Gothic Metal]
Listen to “The Grace of the Dark”

Diĝir Gidim – I Thought There Was the Sun Awaiting My Awakening (ATMF) [Black Metal]

Dreamstoria – Dreams Never End (Walküre Records) [Power Metal]
Listen to “Just Believe. It’s True!”

Embrace Agony – Fractured Existence (Independent) [Metalcore]

Entheos – Le Zahir (Independent) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Écho”

Epping Forest – lebaBVoid (Unexploded Records) [Blackened Death Metal]

Evocation – The Shadow Archetype (Metal Blade Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Children of Stone”

Fäulnis – Antikult (Grau) [Black Metal]

Fen – Winter (Aural Music) [Progressive/Post-Black Metal]
Listen to “I (Pathway)”

FreaKings – Toxic End (Independent) [Thrash]
Listen to “Wave of Pain”

Front Beast – Third Scourge from Darkness (Iron Bonehead Productions) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Rape the Corpse of Christ”

The Furor – Cavalries of the Occult (Transcending Obscurity) [Blackened Death Metal]

Ghostmourn – Eternal (Independent) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Spectral Echoes”

Hate Inclination – Disease Swept the Cosmos (Independent) [Brutal Death Metal]
Listen to “Crushing the Ruined Spirit of Earth”

Helzebeth – Consummatum Est (Silentium in Foresta Records) [Black Metal]

Holy Martyr – Darkness Shall Prevail (Dragonheart Records) [Heavy Metal]

Hungry Head Hunters – Wreck Creation (Independent) [Swedish KISS]

In Vein – Resurrect (Raising Legends) [Death Metal]

Jagged Vision – Death Is This World (Fysisk Format) [Sludgy Hardcore]
Listen to “Betrayer,” “Euthanasia,” “Feeble Souls”

Lock Up – Demonization (Listenable Records) [Deathgrind]
Listen to “Mindfight,” “Desolation Architect”

Luminous Vault – Charismata (Profound Lore Records) [Blackened Death Metal]
Listen to “Charismata”

Lunar Shadow – Far from Light (Cruz Del Sur Music) [Heavy Metal]
Listen to “They That Walk The Night”

Malkavian – Annihilating the Shades (Finisterian Dead End) [Death/Thrash]
Listen to “Altar of the Damned”

Massive Fire – Atomic Fusion (Independent) [Heavy Metal]
Listen to “The Gates”

Mutard – Inhuman Inebriation (Independent) [Thrash]
Listen to “New Year’s Resolution”

Netra – Ingrats (Hypnotic Dirge Records) [Black Metal]

Oceanwake – Earthen (ViciSolum Records) [Death/Doom/Post-Metal]
Listen to “A Storm Sermon (2nd movement)”

Prevail in Darkness – Damnation (Independent) [Melodeath]
Listen to “Nothing Remains”

Ra’s Dawn – From the Vile Catacombs (Roll The Bones/Soulfood) [Prog Metal]
Listen to “Revenant Soul”

Satan Worship – I’m the Devil (Iron Shield Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Satanik Possession”

Seize the Vatican – Advent of Annihilation (Independent) [Death/Thrash]

Synaptik – Justify & Reason (Divebomb Records) [Power Prog]
Listen to “Esc Ctrl”

Tanatron – Tanatron (Independent) [Death/Thrash]
Listen to “Killing and Domination”

Temptation’s Wings – Skulthor Ebonblade (Independent) [Mighty Doom]
Listen to “I, Destroyer,” “Lair of the Gorgon Queen”

Tommy Vitaly – Indivisible (SG Records) [Power Metal]
Listen to “Macabradanza”

Wintarnaht – In Âgez (Talheim Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Megîn Aihha”

Wormwood – Ghostlands: Wounds from a Bleeding Earth (Non Serviam Records) [Black Metal]

Did we forget a new release? Is there a way we could improve this list? Let us know in the comments below!


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