This Toilet Tuesday (4/10/18)


It is Toilet Tuesday, and already I am exhausted. Fortunately, this week has some pretty solid offerings, and Lacertilian, Hans, Bert, and I have picked out a few for your enjoyment. As always, be sure to hit the rest of that list for other good stuff as well.

Møl – Jord (Holy Roar Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Penumbra”

Can you guess from the cover what type of black metal this is? That’s right, time to look at our shoes. Despite being from Scandinavia, these folks venture down the blackgaze path. It’s glaringly bright at its most intense, and exerts a warm, fuzzy gloom at its quietest. The singer is somewhere between Wildernessking and Woods of Desolation, and there is perhaps even more of a willingness to blend in rock-ish genres. If you could do with a bit of heartache and sighing and the last one from George And The Clarkes didn’t do it for you, this is your next best bet. 4/13/18 (Hans)

Unravel – Eras Of Forfeit (Testimony Records) [HM-2 Deathgrind/PV]
Listen to ‘Reign Of Wasps’

How’s your Tuesday morning going? Shit? Yah, I guessed as much. SHHHH. Stop. Don’t start telling us why. We get it. Everything sucks here too. What you need to do instead is spend your next two minutes listening to ‘Reign Of Wasps‘ from Aussie grindy-death HM-2 abusers Unravel. Then you’ll wanna spend the following 5 minutes getting d-beaten to death with their 5 track split with Ash Mouth. After that, there’s a <10 minute EP from 2016 you’ll need to smash for a dollarydoo or two. Powerviolence with a progressive political conscious. FFO: Nails, Black Breath (old), Noisem. (Lacertilian)

Chaos Echœs/Mats Gustafsson – Sustain (collab- Utech Records) [Avant-Garde Drone/Doom/Noise]
Listen to “Spellbound”

Depending on where you live, you can officially say that spring has sprung. The sight of sunlight is such a welcoming sign. SO LONG SEASONAL DEPRESSION! YOUR LEASE IS UP! GET THE FUCK OUT! So, now that you’re in good spirits by getting that extra vitamin D, what better way to usher in the season with some dark ambience with some good ol’ sax-o-mah-phone. Nothing about this will cheer your spirits up and it’s fucking great. Remember that Ihsahn album, Das Seelenbrechen, where is gets all wack with that avant-garde/experimental shit and totally takes you out of the album? Take the sax from that and mix it with that awesome Atrium Carceri & Herbst9 collab Ur Djupan Dal and BAM! That’s what you got. The sax in some parts of “Spellbound” sound like a crying orca trapped in Marine World. Though it’s not as creepy as that masterful 3 hour Prurient album that came out last year, it definitely sets a real bleak mood. I’m anxious to hear the other track, “Harvest of Souls;” I can only imagine the brilliance. There’s also 3 beautiful color variants to choose from (that teal option is absolutely stunning). This is the type of record that I would pair to a nice wine tasting or dinner party with friends. Don’t fret if your normie friends act confused or decide to leave, that just leaves you with more wine to enjoy. I feel a Cabernet Sauvignon or a Syrah would pair up real nice with this bad boy. 4/13/18 (Bert Banana)

Yashira – Shrine (Good Fight Music) [Sludge]

Sludge is pretty hit or miss for me, but when it hits, boy does it ever hit. Yashira are definitely a hit; they’ve got just the right mix of hardcore, prog, and death metal influence on their morbidly obese riffs, and it feels fantastic. Mixing and mastering are a big factor in whether I find sludge listenable, and Yashira nail that as well. Shrine has just the right amount of grit- thick, but not muddy, and everything comes through in the mix. This is going to be a good one to just turn on and veg out to when you need something heavy and aggressive. 4/13/18 (Spear)

Æpoch – Awakening Inception (Independent) [Progressive Death Metal]
Listen to “Tabula Rasa,” “Awakening Inception”

Autokrator – Hammer of the Heretics (Krucyator Productions) [Death Metal]

Axegressor – Bannerless (Brutal Records) [E D G E]
Listen to “Peace At Last (Armageddon)”

Black Mass Pervertor – Life Beyond the Walls of Flesh (Blood Music) [Black Metal]

Bridear – Helix (Universal) [Rock]
Listen to “Dear Bride”

Cavus – The New Era (Satanath Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Morphine”

Carpathian Forest – Likeim (Indie Recordings) [Black Metal]

Chainbreäker – Wasteland City (Independent) [Thrash]
Listen to “Wasteland City”

Commander – Fatalis (The Unbroken Circle) (MDD Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Locust Infestation”

Corpsehammer – Perversión (Morbid Skull Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Sexo & Muerte”

Coup de Grâce – Interitus (Independent) [Power Metal]

Crematory – Oblivion (Steamhammer) [Gothic Metal]
Listen to “Cemetary Stillness”

Damage Source – Aons of Nothingness (The Crawling Chaos Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Golgotha”

DeathSlaüghter – Resurrection of an Antediluvian Demon (Narcoleptica Productions) [Black Metal]

Divine Wind – Triple Cross (Unlimited Records [Power Metal]

Fate Gear – 7 years ago (Independent) [Power Metal]
Listen to “Refrain”

Graveshadow – Ambition’s Price (M-Theory Audio) [Symphonic Heavy Metal]

Hamerex – The Abyss Vol. 1 (IX Music) [Heavy Metal]

Hatred Dusk – Blinded by hate (Independent) [Death/Thrash]

Heiinghund – Draugkvad (Independent) [Black Metal]

Heron – A Low Winter’s Sun (Sludgelord Records) [Sludge/Doom]
Listen to “Of Gods and Goats”

Luciferian Insectus – Lacet Saeva ad Coronam (The Apollyon Group) [Black Metal]

Lyria – Immersion (Independent) [Sypmohnic Nu-Metal?]

MDMA – Chemical Obliteration (Reality Fade Records) [Brutal Death Metal]
Listen to “Chemical Obliteration”

Motör Militia – World in Flames (Independent) [Thrash]
Listen to “Ascendancy”

Nekrogoblikon – Welcome to Bonkers (Independent) [Melodeath/Whimsical Prog]
Listen to “The Skin Thief,” “Dressed As Goblins,” “The Magic Spider”

Nigredo – Flesh Torn, Spirit Pierced (Transcending Obscurity) [Black Metal]

None – Life Has Gone On Long Enough (Hypnotic Dirge Records) [DSBM]

Omit – Medusa Truth, Pt. 2 (Secret Quarters) [Funeral Doom]

Our Place of Worship Is Silence – With Inexorable Suffering (Translation Loss Records) [Blackened Death Metal]

Paul Wardingham – Electromancer (Enigmatic Records) [Instrumental Prog]

Psychoïd – Thrash Impact (Music Records) [Thrash]

Scientist – Barbelith (Independent) [Sludge/Post-Metal]

Septic Tank – Rotting Civilisation (Rise Above Records) [Thrash]
Listen to “Death Vase,” “Treasurers of Disease”

Seven Sisters – The Cauldron and the Cross (Dissonance Productions) [Heavy Metal]

Skeletal Remains – Devouring Mortality (Dark Descent Records) [Death Metal]

Slow Green Thing – III (Independent) [Stoner Doom]
Listen to “When Habits Embrace”

Unravel – Eras of Forfeit (Testimony Records) [Deathgrind]

Valkyrie (JP) – Valkyrie Rising (Slumber Records) [Thrash]

Wallachia – Monumental Heresy (Debemur Morti Productions) [Symphonic Black Metal]

Wrekmeister Harmonies – The Alone Rush (Thrill Jockey Records) [Pastoral Doom]

Did we forget a new release? Is there a way we could improve this list? Let us know in the comments below!

(Images VIA, VIA, VIA)

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