TMP: Autumn/Children, Ingested, Protest The Hero, and More!


Is it Monday? I thought yesterday was Monday.

New An Autumn for Crippled Children is good.

New Havok, album out May 1.

Protest the Hero are back. Not too shabby, but I think I can hear the vocals taking it super easy.

Super heavy shit from Ingested.

  • Some worm mouth Vile Creature stuff.
  • New Judicator.
  • Ulcerate is streaming early at Rev Lover.
  • So this came out in January so it’s not really news, but christ is this insane on so many levels. You’re going to have to click to find out.
  • Blackened stuff from Dismalimerence.
  • Black metal from Sarpa.
  • Death metal from Umbra Vitae (Converge, The Red Chord, Uncle Acid, Twitching Tongues)
  • In the Company of Serpents track with Khemmis and Primitive Man members.
  • Re-armed bringing some melodeath.
  • New Trivium.
  • Well, I saw that coming. BPMD (Bobby Blitz, Mike Portnoy, Phil Demmel) is real dad shit.

There’s probably some great stuff in here too:

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