TMP: Carcass, Beyond Grace, At The Gates, and More!


Apologies for the short list today. I have been internet-less since Wednesday because some dipshit ISP tech fixed our neighbours internet by unplugging ours, and no amount of complaining will get them to come out and fix it before early next week.


Our friends in Beyond Grace released another great single. Album September 3.

Kinda proggy stuff from At The Gates.

  • Slow doom from Vouna.
  • Opethy stuff from White Stones.
  • Witch Vomit dropped an EP.
  • Water metal from Alien Weaponry.
  • Folky? something from Lingua Ignota.
  • New Wizardthrone featuring members from Nekrogoblikon and Alestorm making something neither about goblins or pirates.
  • Sleep Token with that post-pop-metal thing.
  • Hell Fest has every band.
  • Zealot R.I.P. (Pig Destroyer, Darkest Hour) have a terrible band name, but sound ok.
  • Carnifex.
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