TMP: Hath, Noisem, Blood Command, and More!


Just an obnoxious amount of news this week. Listen to some great new stuff this morning.


Hath you listened to the new Hath? Vicious.

I <3 Blood Command.

Fuck you guys, I like this new Periphery track.

  • Sunn O))) is musicing and touring.
  • Zao released two pretty good tracks.
  • Noisem dropped another minute, album out in March.
  • New In Flames.
  • New Relics of Humanity for your trashcan snare fix.
  • Another Tyr video and track.
  • Yet another Rotting Christ.
  • Iron Reagan, Sacred Reich have some dates.
  • Daughter Chaos? New single.
  • Sermon is a new mystery band. Sounds ok.
  • Some punkish sludge from Tides of Sulfur.
  • Devastation on the Nation tour has Dark Funeral, Belphegor, Incantation, and more.
  • Abiotic are touring with Cognitive, new album coming.
  • Gaahls Wyrd sounds like black metal with goth vox? New track.
  • Another Arrival of Autumn in the winter.
  • Weedeater are smoking up the south on tour.
  • New Dream Theater isn’t anything special but probably won’t be the worst rated prog.
  • Timboy Lambesis responded to his show getting cancelled.
  • New tease from Venom Prison.
  • Year of the Knife? Huh, the year of the pig must have “flown” by. Here’s some hardcore.
  • Neurosis, YOB are touring Europe.
  • Two Demon Hunter tracks here.
  • Tronos (Napalm Death) is a band that will have a bunch of cameos. Track.
  • The “We were the biggest deals once” tour featuring Slipknot, Behemoth, and Gojira.
  • The 69 Eyes US tour.
  • There’s ignorant slam and then there’s Hunt The Dinosaur.
  • Eyehategod is feuding with an Arkansas senator.

And also:

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