Toilet Radio 164: Another Trainwreck ‘Sode


On this week’s episode we’re going off half-cocked on every thing under the sun. We’ve got: a discussion of Jon Schaffer (and Tim Allen) turning anarchist / Metal dudes going on weird masculine power fantasies / Craig Pillard ruining the reputation of Disma and Profound Lore so he can make boring industrial music for nazis / Having ill-founded hope for the future / Joe’s upcoming trip to Japan and the many weeb possibilities in front of him / Yakuza tattoos / Dave Mustaine on hold with customer service at Ultimate Guitar / EZBass coming to kick out the laziest member of your band / Hating media created specifically for metal dudes *cough* Jim Breuer *cough *

Music featured on this show:
Judiciary– “Social Crusade” from Surface Noise

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