Toilet Radio 485 – Ahhh My Metal Fingies


This week on Toilet Radio: The Summer Tour of the year was just announced. We can’t wait to get down with Slaughter to Prevail, Marilyn Manson, and Five Finger Death Punch. / Metallica has a fake charity they use to trade money with other fake charities / We need a moratorium on biopics for dead musicians from the 70s. / Blabbermouth and the Jamey Jasta podcast are the only outlets still willing to launder Tim Lambesis’ reputation. / Gel & Scowl back out of SXSW – we discuss the spotty reputation of the festival and provide a few ideas for making a difference. / Pestilence heard your cries, abandon AI art. Hour of Penance, however? Oof. Folks, it’s a good one.

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Music featured on this ‘sode: 
Exiled Hope – The Silence is Deafening

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