Toilet Radio 307 – We’ve Solved This Whole Metal Thing


This week Joe and Breno are talking about Dave Ellefson’s grooming accusations and Sin Quirin “choosing” to exit Ministry. But it’s not all sex pests! We’re also talking about the surprising return of Metalocalypse and the surprising reverberations of the show’s influence since the early 2000s. We’re also getting deep into the Gear Industrial Complex and how the YouTubeification of heavy metal has diminished the need for bands to hawk guitar gear. Finally, with the imminent return of live music we’re comparing Boomer live music needs with whatever weird shit you guys are into. It’s a surprisingly thoughtful episode! I think. Be sure to listen to the featured music this week with Fem Top by Belted Sweater because it rules.

Music featured on this sode:
Belted SweaterFem Top

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