Premiere: Graveborn – “Coded Collective”


It is so gratifying to have the opportunity to premiere a song from a band you enjoy, and for whom you premiered a song years ago. It’s just fantastic to hear the evolution and progression of underground talent who is taking the art form which we all love seriously. That brings me to my point: almost exactly two years ago I presented a song from Boston death metal band Graveborn; in a few minutes you will be able to hear the first single from an album they’re going to bestow upon the world that will mark a major milestone in their career…

You might be asking yourself, “what has Graveborn been up to in the past two years?” Surviving the pandemic, as we all have. The difference is that they’ve been working hard to compose a behemoth of an upcoming LP, titled Transmigrator. In describing their past release, I stated how they perform a sort of deathcore for enthusiasts; insomuch that the genre of deathcore isn’t incredibly engaging overall but here we have a band who pushes boundaries, innovates and ends up succeeding with it. They tell me that the deathcore element is nearly gone in their sound, and that they’ve been transitioning more into death metal territory. Well, now’s your chance to crack open a Sam Adams laahgah [fix’t by a Bawston Owl], don your Red Sox cap, and speak in your most egregious Boston accent, because here is the Toilet Premiere of their first single, “Coded Collective”:

This one is a major step up in production quality and songwriting, so we’re especially proud to present it to you…  The album is meant to be a continuous play concept that loops on itself.

I’ve heard the full album and they weren’t joking about either of those claims. It’s a monster of a progressive metal album, with a reduction in the -core elements (for better or for worse), tons of siqq riffs, turn-on-a-dime tempo changes, and multiple glorious solos. Hearing just a single song merely whets the appetite, because the whole thing flows together in a magical and cohesive way. Each track seamlessly flows into the next and there are a few short instrumental breaks to help balance out the brutality and serve as tasteful segues to longer compositions. We’re all in for a big treat next month, mark my words.

Transmigrator drops on May 25th. This Boston quintet can be followed on Bandcamp and on Zuckbook. And as usual, we welcome the fellas in Graveborn to hang out with us in the Disqus section!

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