EP Premiere: Beyond The Dark – Unspoken


Remember that tasty treat of a track I told you about last month? Good news everyone! There’s more excellent melodeath riffage where that came from.

I like music. A lot. I make a point to listen to new music every day, which sometimes can turn into a chore. That’s why it’s extremely rewarding when I find new music that makes me actively want to go back and re-visit it. It doesn’t have to be the most innovative release of the year, but it does have to make me drift away from whatever task I’m attempting to simultaneously tackle (don’t tell my boss). If it’s complex, well written, or just interesting enough to light up the right parts of my grey matter, I’m game.

Unfortunately, I feel like there isn’t a lot I can say to accurately describe the refreshing punch to the stomach that is Unspoken. It’s been in my rotation the last few weeks and, even though it feels new and invigorating, I already feel like I’ve been listening to it for years (which was more or less my initial reaction to CarcassSurgical Steel, for instance). I don’t want to overthink and analyze every last detail of the music, because I’m pretty confident Italian 4-piece Beyond the Dark did just that when conjuring up these three bangers; and the result is fast, melodic brain candy. In case you missed our previous premiere, here’s what I had to say about this killer release –

Beyond the Dark are the fresh new face of Italian melodeath, ready to unleash their new, blistering EP upon the unsuspecting bystanders. I’ve been able to hear these three songs and all I can say is: MORE. Unspoken is twelve minutes of blast beats, dual guitar-monies, air-fist-along choruses and quite a decent amount of blackened tremolo melodic goodness.

Without further ado, an exclusive Toilet ov Hell EP premiere. Ladies, gentlemen and toileteers: Unspoken.

I’m definitely keeping my sights on Beyond the Dark, and so should you: like the band on Facebook for more news regarding the release of this EP which is due out on July 23rd, and check out their Bandcamp page while you’re at it!

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