Video Premiere: Electrocutioner – Heaven’s Gate


Heaven is a place on Earth.

Grab your Nike Decades, purple cloths, and applesauce. We’re hitching a ride of the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet with the video premiere of New York-based Electrocutioner’s “Heaven’s Gate”. This thrasher of a song would make Joel Grind nod with approval as you stomp-mosh like a maniac waiting for the mothership to come. You think Marshall Applewhite ever jumped in a circle pit? Probably not.

Guitarist/vocalist Mark Pursino says:

We released the single “Heaven’s Gate” on the 27th anniversary of the Heaven’s Gate cult committing the largest mass suicide in US history. The song and video is written from the perspective of one of the cult members and we take an apologist’s POV in the song/video as the cult is usually portrayed as a bunch of batshit and brainwashed looney-bin weirdos. Obviously you could view the cult’s decision to kill themselves in order to ascend to a level above human and join a spaceship in the Hale-Bopp Comet as totally fucking crazy, but I wanted to write lyrics that contrasted their decision with a judgemental look at the “insane” behaviors and beliefs. we all engage in.
For those who are unaware of the cult, they mixed Christian eschatology, ufology, and New Age millenialism to create a really unique belief system and aesthetic. The video isn’t meant to poke fun at the cult or disrespect the lives of those who died in anyway. Our goal was to earody the idea that they were all just crazy idiots while also portraying the dark and extreme actions they took too. One of the most prominent living Heaven’s Gate cult members commented on the teaser video on our Instagram that he was happy with the portrayal thus far. Hopefully we achieved our goal with the video.
We’re already preparing to record our second album which focuses around doomsday and the apocalypse, so this single was basically a thrashing harbinger of things to come.

Time to “graduate” and watch the video below. Just Do It.

Grab the song on Bandcamp, Like the band on Facebook, and give them a Follow on Instagram.

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