
Why Haven’t You Sent Me Your Unsigned Band Yet?


Last week we asked you guys to help us find the best unsigned band in each state of this glorious union. Some of you stepped up and suggested some great bands! Some of you emailed me your own bands! Thanks guys, I really appreciate it! However, some of you sat on your hands and did nothing. Shame on you. I hope you spill mustard on a new pair of Dockers.

So far we’ve got some really great bands in the running. We want to start picking our favorites soon but first we’ll need more submissions. We are open to your suggestions for any state but right now we don’t have ANY submissions for the following states:

  • Alabama
  • Delaware
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • South Dakota
  • Tennesee
  • West Virginia
  • Wyoming
  • Hawaii

If you live in one of these states STEP IT UP. Do you really want to be known as the least-metal links of the Union? smh.

To refresh your memories, here are the rules of the competition:


  • The writers and commenters here at the Toilet will listen to your submissions and determine the best unsigned band in each state.
  • We will give every state-winner a feature on Toilet ov Hell where we highlight what makes them the best in the state.
  • When all 50 states are accounted for, we’re throwing all of them into a bracket and determining the best unsigned band in the USA (and by extension, the greatest state in the union).


  • If you want to nominate a band, leave a comment below with the band, the state, a place to listen to the music and WHY you think they’re the best band in the state.
  • If you want to submit your band, email us at toiletovhell@gmail.com. In the subject line, include the state you hail from. In the body, give us a link to a place where we can stream your tunes.
  • Are you an unsigned band that plays some form of metal/punk/experimental? Submit! If you’re the only band on your buddy Todd’s record label, you can still submit. If your band sucks, don’t submit!

So there you have it. Leave some siqq bands in the comments. I leave you with one of my favorite finds so far – Mysophilia from Michigan. Here’s their demo Atomik Hatefukk:

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