10 MOAR Instagram Accounts for Metalheads


I’ve gathered more pretty pictures and dope feeds for y’all to look at. Lo and behold.




The best bass drum in the biz belongs to #pitfullofshit in #scowl

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How masochistic must I be for following an account that constantly reminds me that: i) I don’t live anywhere near NYC; ii) I miss a lot of wild concerts and iii) St. Vitus looks like an awesome bar? I’d say really, really masochistic. Thanks to its mix of concert footage, backstage and staff shots and the occasional prayer to our lord Lemmy, following @saintvitusbar is a no brainer.



Photographer for New Noise Magazine. NYC/NJ. I’ll photograph your band. jessrechsteinerphoto@gmail.comfacebook.com/jessrechsteinerphotography

Good seeing this guy after 4 years of not. #thesunthemoonthestars

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I love Jess Rechsteiner’s work as a concert photographer. She has the ability to capture and transmit a lot of the energy and intensity of a live setting in a way that few photographers can. It doesn’t hurt that the bands she photographs are usually killer. You can read my interview with Jess by stabbing here.



What happened on this day in #ROCK #CLASSICROCK#GLAMMETAL #HEAVYMETAL #THRASH history! Follow us on twitter@thisdayinmetalm.facebook.com/pages/This-DAY-in-METAL/381461428650033

June 30th 1979 #Motorhead released the GREAT single "No Class" #HardRock #HeavyMetal @officialmotorhead

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Nostalgia boners all around! What this account does should be considered a form of metal public service. Remember the classic releases on their anniversary, find some old gems you probably missed and laugh at people’s old haircuts. What I like the most about @thisdayinmetal is that there is no subgenre nor quality bias – regardless if an event was actually good or not, if it was important somehow it will be remembered by them.



Writer, creator, painter, artist guy. This is my webstore that has all my prints, patches, shirts, toys and cursed items ⬇️ www.shopcriticalhit.com

Thank you @janelleblarg hahaha!!

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Skinner’s artwork is colorful, trippy and creepy at the same time. For me, it’s a great change of pace from the usual b&w stuff I dig. For metal, it means a lot of great colabs, like when Skinner partnered up with Mastodon to shoot the video for “Asleep In The Deep”, which you can watch here.



Mail: JohannesBtattoos@gmail.com Kik: JohannesFolkeB Old Sailor Växjö Småland Sweden ❆

My personal Instagram feed is comprised of a lot of tattoo artists, most of which I’ll never be able to meet/get tattooed by. And that’s okay. Johannes is a Scandinavian artist whose blackwork is not only beautiful but carries a unique soul. It just seems to shriek black metal at you. Interspersed with his tats you can see gorgeous shots of nature, outdoor activities and music.



Dark Art Tattoo/Bp/Hungary/ robart.borbas@gmail.com BOOKINGS ARE CLOSED!@darkarttattoobp endorsed by: @kwadron @h2oceanproteam / tattoome machines. theartofgrindesign.bigcartel.com/product/krampvs


Hailing from Hungary, Robert Borbas is an insane tattooist. You’ll never find a bad design or execution on his feed, I’m telling you. Everything he does seems to make the bro in me think “dude that’s fukken siqq!!!11!”. It really doesn’t get any better than this when it comes to blackwork tattoo. Robert is a beast.



Independent heavy music label, contaminating the masses since 1990! Home to Baroness, Dying Fetus, Torche, Pig Destroyer, Red Fang, Obituary & more!www.relapse.com

#razorband #mdf2015

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Relapse always brings it, and their Instagram is no different. Get informed about promotions, new releases and re-releases, watch some concert footage and be reminded of all the great records they have put out with their constant label recaps. Their string of MDF posts was also very entertaining.



I like pie and metal and probably you. Currently writing for SPIN, NPR, Pitchfork, Noisey, Paste, Decibel, Terrorizer, Weld, and others.www.steelforbrains.com

And the best for last. #rush #rushparenting

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Jonathan Dick is an A1 kind of guy. He is a great, prolific writer, a family man and a fun dude. I hope my kid likes Rush. #rushparentingtips




Iron Regan just destroyed at Fun Fun Fun Fest (via @bvaustin) #ironreagan #FFFfest

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Invisible Oranges is one of the best metal blogs in my opinion, and they seem to be everywhere. I use their Instagram to remind myself of how many concerts I’m missing.



A tasteful photo project by @marta.jpeg celebrating cool girls & hot pizza 📧:biteme@hotgirlseatingpizza.com #hotgirlseatingpizza all Polaroids by us hotgirlseatingpizza.bigcartel.com

Emilie ?? (fun fact, she is the sous chef at @reynardnyc and made us this pizza!!) #hotgirlseatingpizza

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The handle is self explanatory, really. If you want a glimpse of my everyday life (at least every night before I wake up), press follow.

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