100% Support: Bork’s Recommendations


On May 1st, Bandcamp will once again waive their percentage of proceeds, so that 100% of the money goes directly to the artists. We’ll be spending the week highlighting some releases that you might want to throw money at to help the creators through these shittiest of times.

The Spirit | Cosmic Terror

I know what you’re thinking: Bork likes a black metal album? I’m afraid so, folks. These Germans have turned out an album full of sci-fi BM goodness that hits the right sweet spot between atmospheric riffing and sheer frontal assault. Much like my beloved Kvaen, there’s a definite Dissection influence that runs throughout. If tracks like “Repugnant Human Scum” and the title track don’t grab you, then you are truly lost.

Fós | Rinne mé iarraidh

Drone/doom backing traditional Irish female vocals? Sign me right the fuck up. The elements blend better than you would think possible, with guitar drones and synths backing achingly beautiful clean vocals. While main man Fionn Murray isn’t Stephen O’Malley or Greg Anderson, Fós recalls the best ambient work of Sunn O))) without ever venturing into retread territory. It may not be for everybody, but for listeners with a little patience it’s a rewarding release that’s well worth your money.

Live Burial | Unending Futility

“Old school death metal” done absolutely right, drawing elements from damn near every regional scene to make a festering stew of doom-laden death. Hot take alert: early Death didn’t have a song as good as “Cemetery Fog.” If for some reason you’re still not convinced, check out Sepulcrustacean’s review. I keep re-listening, and Unending Futility keeps getting better.

Ritual Necromancy | Disinterred Horror

My favorite album of 2018 still deserves love, goddammit. If you missed Disinterred Horror when it came out, there will never be a better time to get caught up with the band’s exciting (and filthy) atmospheric death metal. It’s rare to find a confluence of great playing, songwriting, and production, but Ritual Necromancy managed to hit all three here with a pristine sound that still captures the band’s otherworldly aesthetic.

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