330 Metal Fest in China Shut Down by Police


The burgeoning metal scene in China suffered a tremendous blow after police officers shut down 330 Metal Fest, the premiere heavy metal festival in all of China.

Details are still unclear as to why exactly the festival was shut down. According to the Nine Treasures Facebook page, officers claimed that more than 600 tickets were sold for the festival, putting the venue over capacity and potentially creating a safety hazard. However, whether or not this is the real reason remains unknown. Kipp Whittaker of The Beijinger notes that there may have been complications with New Year’s Eve celebrations or permits.

Whatever, the reason, it isn’t hard to see the look of loss and desperation on the faces of metalheads at the festival. The closure of the event, a fixture of the Chinese scene for well over ten years, was also a personal blow to Mr. Kou of the band Suffocated. Not only did he financially back the festival, but it also happens to fall on his birthday. The cancellation was an immense loss for Mr. Kou, both financially and emotionally.

Nine Treasures originally reported on Facebook that they were taking donations to help Mr. Kou recoup some of his lost finances, but they have since issued a statement that Mr. Kou is sincerely grateful but doesn’t want any donations at the time. All donated finances are being returned.

Still, we can show our solidarity by cranking some excellent Chinese metal. Post your favorites in the comments below. You can read more about the incident on the Nine Treasures Facebook page or at The Beijinger.

(h/t Tim W.)

(Cover Photo VIA. Other Photos by DM-Simon VIA).

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