TMP: Paradise Lost, Katatonia, An Autumn for Crippled Children, and More!


The melo-death kings are duking it out in this edition of “stay at home news”.

New Paradise Lost.

New Katatonia.

Entheos both released a track and also split with their guitarist.

One more Azusa.

Some Old Man Gloom here.

  • Converge made some weird stuff.
  • An Autumn for Crippled Children released a new track on a huge Prosthetic sampler.
  • Devin Townsend is doing a bunch of stuff, idk, what else is new.
  • Cave In, Converge, Thou, Khemmis members covered Weird Al.
  • Xibalba (CA) announced new music coming.
  • Maryland Deathfest may not cancel.
  • Hold on to your buttz, new Behold the Arctopus is releasing a new album soon.
  • Villagers Of Ioannina City is re-releasing their album on Nuclear Blast I guess.
  • More new Loviatar.
  • Grind from ACxDC.
  • If you missed TDT, Symbolik.


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