Flush It Friday: How do I do this



Oh boy, what to do for my first FiF? Ah, I know: in the proud Owlboy tradition, I’ll share a story about how I fucked up at work. It’s got a happy end though!

So someone requested a translation into three languages last Thursday. I managed to not see the ticket until Monday, and then only because the requester asked me if the deadline could be moved up to this Wednesday. Bottom line: two days time to have different freelancers sequentially translate about a thousand words each. Naturally, I said “no problem!” and proceeded to completely shit my pants.

Luckily, the translation software is too dumb to recognize repetitions properly, so it turned out the translation could easily be finished on time. And since freelancers are paid based on the word count, the guys that worked on it will now receive half a day’s pay from our notoriously stingy company (I’m not sure any company needs those qualifiers; it’s probably a given) for roughly an hour of work. That always makes me happy.

What also makes me happy is all this FIRE content from your favourite outhouse:

SLNC belatedly clued us in on the rebellious black metal of Uprising.

(Late AF) Review: Uprising – Uprising

Loogit all them old-ass musics!

List: Your Top Albums ov 1995 Revealed

Karhu went where no-one else dares tread – the Napalm Records roster *shudders*

Napalm Records Roundup: Æther Realm, Skyblood & Villagers of Ioannina City

Jimmy jimmy’d all over Abysmal Dawn.

Vinyl VVednesday – Abysmal Dawn’s Phylogenesis

And now the floor is yours. Share your Goods, Bads, and Uglies, maybe throw in some cool jams, you know the drill. Take it away!

(Header image via da share z0ne)

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