Toilet Radio 246 – Anyway, Here’s Wonderwall


Covers! Bands like to do them! Sometimes they’re good, even! But most of the time they’re not. On this week’s episode we’re talking a dive through some notable covers from and by your favorite heavy metal bands. We’re talking about recent covers from Inter Arma and Behemoth as well as some old ‘uns from bands like Evergreen Terrace, Brujeria, and Metallica. (This fuckin’ Suicide Silence cover of AIC’s Them Bones will make you furious) We’re also talkin’ bout unemployment benefits, Ghost lawsuits, Shadow’s Fall, pro audio grifts, Jordan’s kitted out Supra, and ODD EDITORIAL CHOICES when reporting a death. Sit down a spell and enjoy a good AND nice episode.

Music featured on this episode:
Arsis – “Sunglasses at Night

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