Premiere: Ninth Realm – ‘All Hail Treachery’


Hearing Ninth Realm for the first time is a hell of an experience in its own right. While most bands nowadays seem to either rest on the laurels or straight up rip whole pages from the playbooks of their influences, this fledgling Death-Thrash/Crossover act from Maryland takes those familiar elements and arranges them in a genuinely fresh matter. If there’s any band in 2020 you didn’t know you NEED in your life, I’d wholeheartedly nominate Ninth Realm as my choice for such a title. 

While their influences are undeniably old school, how the quintet goes about implementing these tried and true sensibilities is a feat unto itself. Tell me, what other band has high fantasy-tinged lyricism, thrashing, mosh-ready riffage a la Power Trip and infinitely listenable death metal grooves harkening back to In Battle There Is No Law-era Bolt Thrower?

For 2020 and as their first batch of new material since their 2019 debut EP, Gates Of Tythorin, Ninth Realm have unleashed All Hail Treachery, a new three-track promo. On this latest release, Ninth Realm see their rough and tumble sound evolve into something decidedly more professional. Thanks to a clean and crisp production job, whole new sonic dimensions are added to what already was one of the most electrifying underground acts in recent memory.

All Hail Treachery is out today and can be streamed/purchased digitally on Bandcamp. All proceeds made on the release will be donated to the National Bail Out collective.

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