Flush It Friday: Ask and ye shall regret


It’s two days past Wednesday, my dudes.

While I was more than willing to jump in and pull FiF duties, I had zero ideas what to talk about, so I asked some residents of this here abode to give me three buzzwords. What a mistake.

The first set was “metal,” “symposium,” and “grift.” Okay. I guess metal symposiums are a thing and also a grift. I’m not entirely sure what a symposium is, and googling it is more effort than I have left to put in today. I think it’s something like a conference, but if so, why not just say that? Huh? What’s with the fancy words?

Next up, I got “hot funnel cake.” Sucker for pastry that I am, that is something I’ve been meaning to google for some time now to find out what the German equivalent is, but again, not today. The literal translation is Trichterkuchen. That’s the kinda tidbit you can bring up at parties to ensure that others keep a safe distance from you.

Yer boi eenzamheid came up with three decidedly unsexy terms relating to German politics, i.e. fuckin’ yaaaawn. He did not hesitate to scrape the barrel even further, however: “Iron Maiden album.” “Dave Ellefson project.” Somebody stop this Dutch degenerate.

But he did also point out that a couple of banger albums have dropped recently. Finally, he was making sense! It’s Bandcamp Friday today! Go ham on your wishlists and show off your hauls – along with your Goods, Bads, and Uglies – in the comments.

If you don’t know what to get, maybe the week in review will give you some ideas:

Theophattus Bongrippus went to something called a “metal festival.” Is that like a symposium?

Shadow Woods V: Hell on a Hillside

Karhu was at it again, highlighting a bunch of rippers from earlier in the year.

September Roundup: Death, Black & Prog

Diqus [siq ~Roldy] (and -cord) mainstay Beavis Christ made his debut and thrashed some bungholes. Welcome!

Review: So Be It – Let the End Begin

Lastly, some fools lost some quick words on some great records. And I hear there’s already more petit treats in the pipeline!

Mini-Reviews From Around the Bowl (9/2/21)

Now go forth and consume! (But come back to hang out.)

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