Toilet Radio 327 – Unclogged


There are months where it seems like nothing happens, but each day’s passing flush leaves a gooey residue that slowly but surely jams your pipes up like an arterial clog. Then a week comes along that shit can no longer be flushed. You get out the drain snake and poop splatters all over the goddamn place. This is one of those weeks. TOPICS: Wino tells us all what’s on his mind after Eric Wagner’s death / Who has a new band? Catch this “L”efson! / Gloryhammer responds to their embarrassing group chat leak / STEELFEST: Finland’s big metal fest announced a lineup with a whole bunch of fashy bands alongside several big bands you know and love. Let’s see what happens. / The guy that does the purple digital artwork for Rings of Saturn has the wildest idea of what “Ashkenazi” means. / Finally, Sean freedom from freedom Vio-lence freedom freedom freedom. Folks, it’s a wild one.

Music featured on this sode:
WharflurchCelestial Mycelium

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