Tech Death Thursday: 2-for-1 EP’s Edition


The first. The best. The techest. This is Tech Death Thursday.

Before we get to the main course, engorge yourself on some news:

  • The oddly-named Flub have re-released their Purpose EP, which offers some sweet proggy jams and tech-death noodling between bursts of deathcore grooves. I dig.
  • Brutal death outfit Disgorgement (of the non-visceral variety) have released a nasty self-titled EP. Check it out at Bandcamp.
  • For the discerning weedly aficionado, Exocrine have a new album coming at the end of the month via Great Dane Records. Look for Unreal Existence on October 25th and stream it here.
  • Lost Soul already had me rapidly approaching maximum engorgement in anticipation of Atlantis a month ago, and their new lyric video isn’t making things any easier. If I’m not here next week, assume I met with a fatal priapism.
  • Marasmus have a new full-length out, entitled Conjuring Enormity, and it’s damn good. More death than tech, but that’s never been a bad thing.
  • Space bros Virial are gearing up to release a new full-length on the 31st. In the meantime, bang your heads to “The Ultimate Fate” (featuring a blazing guitar solo by Obscura’s Fountainhead).
  • After a series of delays, Dawn of Dementia are almost ready to release Immolation of Avernis (also on the 31st). Give yourself a refresher with “A Subterranean Exposure.”

With the massive influx of new music every week, there are always a handful of bands that slip through the cracks of This Toilet Tuesday (someone should tell that guy to get his shit together). These bands desever justice, and thus I present to you two killer EP’s from this past spring.

First up, we have Tryptich Disentanglement from Lever of Archimedes. These guys waste no time bringing the pain, bursting forth from the gates in a storm of barely-controlled chaos. The twin guitar attack is relentless, carving a path through which the molten bass and drums flow. It’s not dissimilar to Inferi musically, but with speed and precision on par with Archspire. The best part? It’s name your price. Don’t sleep on this one.

Next up, we have Enemies of the Sun by Human Improvement Process. This one starts with slow, menacing buildup before kicking into the savage “Project Monarch.” Enemies has a much more brutal and focused approach than Tryptich Disentanglement; there’s a lot more emphasis on the low end of the guitar, and they stick around a lot longer on riffs and ideas. That’s not to say it’s meandering; the repetitions help drive those riffs home and make the music feel more thematic. Short but sweet, Enemies of the Sun is an excellent EP that will set you back only €2. Check out the full thing at their Bandcamp (though be wary of some NSFW-ish promo shots).

Both these EP’s are fantastic and absolutely deserving of your attention. Don’t forget to give Lever of Archimedes and Human Improvement Process a like on their respective Facebook pages.

Until next time,

Stay Tech

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