Future Flush Meals: Illusion / Chin Chin


I have been planning this for months, and it is finally here. Flushers: I present to you, Future Flush Meals.

I meticulously select only the finest food and metal combinations to review, and would never resort to googling it last minute and filming it on my phone and just making it up as I go along. That’s not my style.

This pilot episode took me about 18 hours of planning, about 16 different takes, and weeks worth of meticulous editing to create the perfect video. I think you’ll find that apparent when you watch this video.

The band reviewed is called Illusion: a Chinese Symphonic Power Metal band, according to their YouTube link. Their bandcamp page is located here. As advertised, they play a European style of power metal, ripe with synths, gumdrop guitar melodies, and pretty vocals. Would recommend to anyone curious what a Chinese power metal band might sound like, or anyone who is into Euro-style power metal.

On to the food.

Chin Chin, my favorite local Chinese restaurant, is a tiny little place. This is a pretty typical dialogue when I call them to order food:

CC: “Hello what you want?”
RT: “Sweet & Sour Chicken please.”
CC: “Ok 10 minutes.” -click-

Very efficient. For a lunch special, you receive plenty of food that, while not gourmet, is exceedingly delicious and filling.

Like what you see? Want to go on a date to Chin Chin and listen to random power metal I google moments before I start the video? Do you like Sweet & Sour Chicken as much as I do? What should I do next? Hit me up in the comments below!

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