TODAY: Rock against nazis and help Doctors Without Borders


Anti-Nazi comp features Fuck the Facts, Lich King, Blight House, and many, many more.

Yeah, I respect WOMAN.
Organization of

If you’re anything like me, you hate Nazis. You’re also probably perpetually cycling between broke and cheap. Fortunately, there’s a compilation just for you, you cheap-ass Nazi hater. WOMAN is a compilation put together by Richard of Blackened Death Records. It features 32 tracks of explicitly anti-Nazi propaganda that will surely cause a torrent of buttfrustration among the Internet’s hordes of amateur phrenologists. And you know what’s rad? Shit’s free. F-R-E-E, my dude. Even better, TODAY ONLY, if you throw some dough at this comp it’ll be donated to Doctor’s Without Borders, one of the best aid organizations on this horrible planet.

Of the project, Richard states, “Heavy metal is a form of music that embraces freedom and community. Music for down and outs, music for the disenfranchised. Metal is for all of us. We are men, we are women, we are trans, we are non-binary. We are Christians, Muslims, Jews, and atheists. We include members from all around the world. We are gay, we are straight, we are pansexual. We are free and we fight for freedom.” This is good and tight and I agree 100%. Also, motherfuck a Nazi.

I’ve collected some of my favorite pieces from the compilation for your listening pleasure:

The comp starts off with stalwart grinders and pride of Canada, Fuck the Facts! “Shadows Collide” is delicious, speedy joy with a soulfully melodic guitar solo. Tasty!

Following, you’ve got be-gasmasked noise crew Tovarish with a desolate, industrial tune sure to make all the kids bop their heads in utter hopelessness.

Skeletal Serpent brings you a tight little morsel of slow, low, and banging death metal.

Underdark are the surprise hit of the comp with disarming blast of black metal.

I’d be remiss to not at least mention Pleasantries contribution to the compilation. I’m not quite sure how to describe this one, so let’s go with “Satanic Funhouse Instrumental Math Rock”. Yeah, that’ll do nicely.


You should absolutely click here to check out the full comp. It’s Name-Your-Price and today, Friday the 13th, 90% of your dough will go to Doctors Without Borders.

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