Sunday Sesh: Build Your Own Story with Song Titles


Earlier this week, my good pal Caboose (you know him ’round these parts as the flaccid Ann Kvlter), sent me a link to a humorous imgur album. It’s worth one good, sensible chuckle to click through yourself, so please do so at the previous link before venturing further. Okay ready? Let’s do what he did in that album. No, not the sex part. The storytelling part. In this Sunday Sesh, we’re compiling playlists to tell stories. Let our imagination be your guide!

Not sure where or how to start? It’s easy! Just fire up your googler and your youtuber, pick a good song title that catches the eye and makes you want to learn more, and let the story shape itself from there. For example, if I want to create a but of narrative intrigue, I may start with Jute Gyte‘s “Endless Moths Swarming.” Why are they swarming? What are they doing? Let’s find out.


Now that I’ve grabbed your attention, I need to establish the central conflict of the story. The moths are swarming, but how does that affect the protagonist? Perhaps the moths are stinging our hero. Do moths even sting? These ones do, apparently.


So how does our protagonist respond to this central drama of man versus nature? Does he stand and fight? No, in my story, he wants to run away like the coward he is. He wants out!


But wait, what’s that sound our cowardly young hero hears? Something new? A possible way to fight the swarm?


Our young protagonist sees a solution to the riddle of his life. But he must look within himself to save himself.


Finally, an answer, but it’s not one our hero likes. For looking inward, he has discovered, that we, in fact, are the swarm. We are the moths. He is one with the stinging, seething mass.


To rid himself of the swarm, he must rid himself of himself. How very Nietzschean.


Fire is the way out.


But what has been done cannot be undone.



Okay, now you try it. Compile a Youtube or Spotify playlist and let ‘er rip!

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