Getting Laid at Bandcamp VI (The Goregrind Edition)


Hello campers, it’s time once again for you to sit through another awful day at bandcamp with your miserable counselor, Tyree.

Goregrind is something I really hold dear to my heart, and when it is done right it can be really great (I’m sure most of you are rolling your eyes). Before we get into the bands, I’d first like to tell you what I feel goregrind should sound like. The main thing that makes a goregrind band stand out to me is when the band doesn’t use a drum machine. There are a shit ton of bands that turn me off in this genre that rely heavily on drum machines. The end result with drum machines comes off as tacky and annoying with no human feeling. Goregrind shouldn’t feel like a computer; it should feel human. Goregrind is all about flaws, rawness, passion, humor, and over the top extremity. Sure, drum machines are extreme, but you can also be extreme as humans too; just listen to Last Days of Humanity’s album Putrefaction in Progress. Goregrind is meant to be human-flesh-and-bone gory, not computer-plastic-and-circuit-board gory.  Regurgitate’s Effortless Regurgitation of Bright Red Blood is a perfect example of how goregrind should be made in my gory opinion. They mastered their craft and made a goregrind album that stands the test of time, and it is my favorite goregrind album to this day.

So, now that you have an example of solid goregrind, here is a band that I find ruined by a drum machine. Honestly, I would really like this band a hell of a lot more if it was not for that annoying-sounding fuck of a drum machine. You be the judge though.

The bands that I’m going to present to you are some newer goregrind bands that I’ve been listening to for the past three or so years now. I don’t want to post older legendary bands because that really would not be in the spirit of Getting Laid at Bandcamp, and… that would just be way too easy. So, let’s get gory, shall we?!?


PancreatectomieFood 2013 (Columbus, Ohio)

Well if the name of the album and the delicious looking meal on the album cover isn’t enough for you to like Pancreatectomie, then I don’t know what will. Perhaps push play and let excrement from Food pour into your ear holes? That’s what possessed me to lust for them. The album title and song titles are all quite silly and really aren’t gore at all, but the music style most definitely is. We have our grindy guitars, blasting drums, and some of the most disgusting pitch shifted vo-kills imaginable. The bottom line is that Pancreatectomie require more food or else!


G.O.D. (Grotesque Organ Defilement)G.​O​.​D. / MESRINE split 7” 2014 (Peterborough, Ontario)

Technically G.O.D. are a Mincecore band but there is enough goregrind influence to induct them into this gory list. G.O.D. go all out or not at all! The energy that goes into this grind is absolutely intense and pulverizing. These guys seem to work fast too; it looks like they have 4 splits and 1 EP so far this year. Big thumbs up. The vo-kills are mostly pitch shifted but there are periods of natural growls and barks. The guitar work is a frenzy of grindy chords that are all over the place (Check out this live video). The drumming is just frantic and all over the place just like the guitar work but more intricate and creative.


HYPEREMESISPneumocystosis 2014 (Vancouver BC)

It almost takes a minute and 4 seconds just to read the fourth track title out loud on this EP (which is how long the track is): “Chemical peritonitis caused by an iatrogenic rupture of mature cystic teratoma of the ovary during labour”. HYPEREMESIS play their goregrind just how it should be, in the vain of Carcass’s first album Reek of Putrefaction, which is raw, noisy, and disgusting sounding. HYPEREMESIS’s grind is pretty much your straight forward grindcore formula but with the gory pitch shifted vocals.


PARFUMERIETransmundane and Unprofessional Delocation of Superfluous Extremities and Rare Tissues E​.​P. 2014 (Winnipeg, Manitoba)

It’s so exciting to find new goregrind bands that do it right. You know you’ve found a great goregrind band when you have someone like mince grinder Dan Ryckman from Archagathus involved on the drums (That’s right! No programmed drums). This EP sounds like a mix between Dan’s project Archagathus and the early days of Last Day of Humanity. The production on PARFUMERIE’s EP is clear, prominent, and slightly raw, which I find to be fitting for this kind of goregrind. You don’t want it to be too clean, but you also want it to be clear enough to hear each instrument, including the vocals. The vocals are disgusting! Everything is pitch shifted gargles and guttural growls that just sound vile yet blissful.


InopexiaChristmas Gore (Inopexia​​\​Embryopathia Split) 2012 (Москва, Russian)

Just a tad bit of later day Last days of Humanity worship here? Yeah, I honestly could have mistaken this for Last Days of Humanity’s Putrefaction in Progress or In Advanced Haemorrhaging Conditions. And yup, that is a human playing the drums, people. That is no drum machine and here is the video proof (Click and weep)Inopexia push goregrind to the absolute extreme and this release is proof of it. Strap yourselves in, buy the ticket, and take the ride, folks.


Pulsating Cerebral SlimeFilth 2013 (Lyon, France)

There are goregrind bands that do use drum machines that I do like (which is very rare), though, and Pulsating Cerebral Slime is one of them.

Pulsating Cerebral Slime said it best on their Bandcamp page: “No lyrics, no bullshit, only blastbeats, dbeats and gore. Name of the band is obviously a tribute to Xysma.”

Need I say more? I think not!


Tyree’s artwork of the week. Some of you guys may recognize this one:

T-shirt 4

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