Premiere: Godless – “Empty Graves”


Thrashing death metal to help get you through your Monday.

Sometimes all you need is a quick burst of energy to get your second wind, be it in the form of a shot of caffeine or some ripping new tunes. We’re bringing you the latter today courtesy of Hyderabad, India’s Godless, with a banger of a track. “Empty Graves” is the closing track from their upcoming EP, Swarm, and it has enough energy to raise the dead.

And that’s exactly what they were going for; Swarm draws on all kinds of classic death metal lyrical tropes, from the occult to the arcane, and “Empty Graves” is all about necromancy. The music itself follows similarly classic patterns of thrash and death metal, setting an unrelenting pace from the get-go and packing in riff after vicious riff. Its main theme roils and churns over those punishing drums and vocals, but it’s not overly showy, just technical enough to keep it from feeling stale or repetitive. To top it all off, it has a characteristically wicked solo from former Obscura/current Defeated Sanity live guitarist Tom “Fountainhead” Geldschläger. This seriously rips, and you can see them work their profane magic right now:

Pre-Order (World) | Pre-order (India) | Google Play | iTunes

Swarm is out on October 27th, and you can nab a copy for yourself on Bandcamp. If you like what you heard, be sure to follow Godless on their various social media pages, and check out their video for “From Beyond” too.

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