Premiere: Apollyon – ‘Deliverance’


Cap your work week off with some Canadian black/death courtesy of this new Apollyon track.

Full disclosure, this one only dropped in during the last few minutes, so it only seems right that it be used to fill the last few minutes of Friday. And what better way to close out a fairly bleak week than with some scornful blackened death metal. Coming out of Kelowna, B.C, Apollyon are set to release their first full-length record titled False Light early next month, and today we’re bringing you the impassioned album opener ‘Deliverance’.

Combining crisp black metal melodic sensibilities with the emotional heft of atmospheric acts, along with a smattering of modern melo-death riffs, Apollyon create quite an interesting mixture of contemporary styles. While they never venture to either the soft or brutal extremes of the black/death spectrum, they manage to squeeze out an impressive range of moods from that somewhat overlooked middle-ground; proving once again that attention to solid song-writing trumps forced fusion(s) and hastily cobbled harsh contrasts.

Apollyon’s False Light releases on November 2nd.

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