Premiere: Equipoise – “Waking Divinity”


We’ve got some top-tier tech for you today, courtesy of Equipoise.

If you’ve been paying any attention to the tech death scene for the past three years or so, you’re likely at least tangentially familiar with Equipoise. Their debut EP rightfully made waves for its unique take on the Necrophagist/Obscura style, as well as tasteful implementation of symphonic elements and flamenco guitar. Fans have been chomping at the bit for new material, and today, we’re bringing you your first full taste of Demiurgus with “Waking Divinity.”

“Waking Divinity” is, in a word, intense. It’s a more complex composition, less reliant on pedal tones and exploring a wider range of notes, taking those same ideas explored on the EP to the next level. Subtle time signature changes will keep you on your toes, and in spite of its speed, the note choice gives it a melancholy undertone that you don’t typically hear in this particular style. Flashy as it is, it’s also quite melodic; their showmanship isn’t wasted on riffs you won’t remember when the song stops. Fans of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood will get a kick out of the lyrics as well.

That impressive musicianship comes as no surprise given the band’s lineup. The brainchild of guitarist Nick Padovani, Equipoise is a veritable “who’s who” of tech death, featuring vocalist Steve Bosier (Inferi, ex-Vale of Pnath), keyboardist Jimmy Pitts (NYNEternity’s End), Chason Westmoreland (ex-The Faceless, ex-Hate Eternal) behind the kit, Hugo Doyon-Karout (Beyond Creation) on bass, and guitarists Sanjay Kumar (Wormhole) and Phil Tougas (literally every band). That is a supergroup if I ever saw one, and it’s all the more reason to get excited for this release.

Demiurgus lands on March 8th via The Artisan Era and will be available on Bandcamp and their webstore. In the meantime, be sure to follow Equipoise on Facebook for updates.

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