Flush It Friday: the Loss of [Yet Another] Neighborhood Furbaby


BAD: We can all agree that 2020 is one horrible year, right? Well to add insult to injury on Monday of this week one of the neighborhood families had to say goodbye to their dear boy Huck (featured in the header image). He was one of the sweetest doggos I’ve known – which is a feat in itself considering how sweet doggos are by default – alongside being extremely sociable, friendly, and loyal to his family. A family that extended beyond the three people (and two cats) living in that household to all the local hooligans, up to whom he warmed.

So Huck joins a growing roster of sweet neighborhood furbabies who have entered the gates of Valhalla this year, including my giant Maine Coon Biscuit and two other sweet puppers whom I frequently walked: Yoshi and Emma. They will all be greatly missed. But the wounds we have all experienced can be soothed by knowing that we collectively gave them the best lives they could have lived from loving parents, pet-friendly hooligan neighbors, and extended walks through the park. RIP sweet princes and princesses.

UGLY: As if we needed any more proof that President Trump knows nothing about history, including that of the country which he currently runs, he recently claimed that

The closest thing is in 1917, they say, the great pandemic. It certainly was a terrible thing where they lost anywhere from 50 to 100 million people, probably ended the Second World War

Some chump on Twitter said that we should infer he meant the First World War… but even if we follow this idiot’s advice, Trumps statement is still false. Setting aside policies, personal opinions, and personality; shouldn’t the President know about significant historical events like pandemics and World Wars? Sheesh. There’s literally no bottom to this pit of ridiculousness! Anyone can hop onto Wikipedia and learn about the Spanish Flu in 15 minutes. It’s as if those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it, or something.

GOOD: a recent record store haul included three excellent Nine Inch Nails vinyl releases. Each one is expertly constructed with high quality materials, includes an extremely informative booklet with stories and photos, and a digital download card. It won’t surprise anybody that sound quality is demo-worthy, as they were upon their respective initial releases. Even for the casual NIN fan, these are worth every penny (of which they each cost a massive quantity):

(Each of these is an easy 5/5 flaming toilets.)

And this morning I awoke to news that Wobbler is set to release their fifth album, Dwellers of the Deep, in October. As much as 2020 has sucked, there’s no shortage of great music to enjoy.

Feel free to regale us with your respective G/B/U’s this afternoon. And don’t forget to peep some of these v gud, siqq-butt articles from the past week, tbh fam:

Get your 小点心 right here:

Mini-Reviews From Around the Bowl (8/13/20)

BSG believes in climate change (a Democratic hoax, FYI):

REVIEW: Escaping Aghartha – Oceanic Womb

Karhu, the doom expert, showcased some doooooooooooooom 4 us:

Doomthousandtwenty: The Austere August Ædition

Sepulcrustacean brings the beautiful filth, as he is wont to do:

Vassafor – To the Death


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