Sunday Sesh: The Halfway Mark
It’s 2016.5, let’s hear your top 5 albums from the first half of the year… -
Shirt Stains: Shirting With Disaster
Wear one of these band shirts or go topless? You decide. -
Almyrkvi’s Pupil of the Searing Maelstrom: An Interpretive Response
You are running low on oxygen: 13%. As you drift toward the outer reaches of your solar system, you reroute ... -
Want to Win a Free Copy of the Three-Disc Scream Bloody Gore Reissue? Bring Your ...
“Yes, perfect!” you think to yourself as you ponder all of the impending likes your timely and topical meme featuring a vaping ... -
Review: Beastwars – The Death of All Things
“Obey the riff” is Beastwars‘ maxim. Who’s gonna argue?