
Flush It Bandcamp Friday: Tis the Season



It’s the last Bandcamp Friday of 2024, so let’s do what we do and highlight five cool things you could buy today without Bandcamp skimmin’ off the top. 5 records. 100 words each. These are litty itty bitty ditties for real for real.

Ut Mutem – From a Distance/Screaming for a Change
Release Date: February 2, 2024

With a forthcoming full-length, I thought I’d shine a dizzying, kaleidoscopic light on a shorter release from earlier this year. Two tracks and a run-time of barely fourteen minutes, From a Distance/Screaming for a change is Ut Mutem as musique concrete collage artist extraordinaire. Disparate cassette-recorded songs/sounds/noises are cut up, looped, and layered upon each other in a palimpsest of staticky noise, hauntingly familiar motifs, short-circuiting voiceovers. Given the relative notability of the songs that are explicitly referenced in these song titles, think of this as Ut Mutem destabilizing and defamiliarizing what you might have expected or thought you’d find.

drive your plow over the bones of the dead – tragedy as catharsis
Release Date: November 5, 2024

Fans of Ostraca, Orchid, and Jeromes Dream should be clamouring over these Vancouver emoviolence breakouts if they aren’t already. tragedy as catharsis is the debut LP from these young Canucks, and it’s firmly rooted in the spastic, unrelenting chaos of a scene that feels both long gone and still very much alive. Acts like these perform something of a magic act, balancing short-burst skramz mania with a tightly controlled sense of composition. As messy as it seems, it’s never messy. 13 tracks in barely 18 minutes is sure to raise the antennae of our dedicated skramily here in the Toilet.

Scumbag – Homicide Cult
Release Date: November 1, 2024

Though around for a few years, Yonkers trio Scumbag’s latest Homicide Cult has stopped the underground metal community dead in its rotten fucking tracks. We’ve already heard from other corners of the metal blogosphere that End of Year lists are being disrupted by the unbridled brutality of Homicide Cult that calls to mind Aborted and Abysmal Torment but brings a sleezier and slimier take on those BDM/deathgrind vibes. Openers “Homicide Cult” and “Beaten to a Pulp” are so chock full of freakgrooves that you don’t stand a chance. From there, it’s all an avalanche of slick, sickening, headbashing mondo riffs.

Onionville / Gorgons Alter – The Sorrow, The King, and the Onion Horde
Release Date: October 18, 2024

This is truly a tale of madness. “Onions. So many onions,” the Sorrow King repeats to himself. I suppose we have to call this onion synth, channeling allium frequencies that stalk out of the dark, loamy garden beds of our shallotted minds. A funereal oppressiveness haunts “Funeral of a King at First Harvest” that is shot through with scalding anxiety and fear. Nothing gets better on the Gorgons Alter side, as “Encroaching Mist that Eats the Moon” is a lunar simulacrum of the Sorrow King eating his glowing onions. Also, “Gorgons Alter” sounds like “gorgonzola” if you say it right.

Pillar of Light – Caldera
Release Date: December 6, 2024

The brand-spankin’ newest release from our friends at Transcending Obscurity, Pillar of Light’s debut album Caldera is a towering, collapsing work of demonstrable emotionality. Calling to mind Amenra and Cult of Luna but with more of a penchant for the abyssal depths and theatrics of old-school doom, Pillar of Light is intense, desperate, and unflinching. “There is no other way,” concedes over and over vocalist Aaron Whitfield on the exemplary track “Spared,” as the rest of the band conjures a monumental, stomping breakdown. Each track, a pilgrimage to the parts of your heart that must be bared to the world.

Good googly moogly, let’s flush that booty.

We give thanks to Stick and Roldy for their unwavering commitment to The Toilet.

New contributor Falxifer brings us this 3/5 Toilets for the latest from Machine God:

Brock rounded up some nastiness from Vomit RotGutless, and Stenched. Perfect comment from Roldy contained therein:

Toilet Radio 531 features Joe n Jordan doin’ what they do best: mercilessly mocking those who deserve no mercy:

Hey, now! Falxifer is double-dippin’, this time with slightly fewer toilets for Naptown’s Rituaal:

Mouthwatering Minis from a murderer’s row of contributors: Roldy, Prof. Guanaco, Aaron x2, Spear. (Aaron’s lucky he didn’t muck up that Cold Cave review.)

Megachiles is Dungeon Crawling again, much to everyone’s delight. Just the best!

There it is, y’all! Drop those GBUs in the comments and share both your BCF hauls as well as any sick BCF deals that ought to be highlighted. Keep your butts warm out there. I don’t want to be kissin’ icy cold butts.

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