Angra – Storm of Emotions: A Video Breakdown


No, not Ankla. Angra!

I don’t claim to know a lot about the Brazilian metal band Angra. My knowledge of them is pieced together from message board posts by “that one guy”. You know the guy I’m talking about. They’ll regale you with tales of having a beer with Jon Zazula from Megaforce Records and or the time he almost tried out for Savatage. No matter the subject, they manage to shoe-horn Angra in. If Angra can’t fit in, they’ll mention Running Wild.

The point (and I promise I’m trying to make one) is that Angra is a band that you may not find on your own, but their loyal fanbase is vocal enough to educate the metal masses. That’s a true testament to a band that has been around since the early 90’s without much mainstream exposure. Maybe their new video for “Storm of Emotions” off the album Secret Garden (Really? Huh. Alright.) out January 16th will be just the introduction you need to get in on the Angra train.

0:08: Slappity slappity slap slap slap!
0:12: I agree with your agreeing.
0:15: Triple slap attack!
0:20: Separately, the leather jacket, mullet, and mustache are powerless, but when their powers combine, they form Captain Angra!
0:34: Whoa, where ya going?
0:40: Oh hai!
0:45: These certainly are some “special” effects.
1:00: I hope all those leather jackets have giant Eight Balls on the back.
1:06: I always appreciate seeing the world from a sandwich’s point of view.
1:17: Commence Kaleidoscopic Prog Solo!
1:23: You also see the same thing after eating too much Alfredo sauce.
1:29: I’m getting a heavy “Weird Al” vibe right now.
1:33: Slap it like it owes you Brazilian Reals!
1:39: Drummers have gravity rolls, he’s got gravity guitaring.
1:48: Sorry, ladies. That left hand is married.
2:04: Triptykon can learn a thing or two about videos from Angra.
2:16: Hugs!
2:23: If you have that type of facial hair, you’re legally required to tie someone to train tracks.
2:42: Mike Portnoy weeps over that drum set.
2:46: Hugs…again!
2:53: Angra should promote their see-through abilities. They’d be a hit at parties.
3:07: Weeeeeeeeee!
3:17: He just walked through that cymbal. He’s a witch! Burn him!
3:28: Heck, AC/DC’s videos could learn a thing or two from Angra.
3:36: Bass hat trick.
3:44: Clearly no choreography needed.
4:01: One more slapping. For old time’s sake.
4:07: Come back, Angra! Come back!

So that was Angra and their new song “Storm of Emotions”. Pretty catchy, right? For those that are more experienced in all things Angra, what did you think? Did you like it? Did it meet or exceed expectations? Is the older stuff better? Please, teach us your ways and let us know all about Dan Swanö.

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