
Flush It Friday: Змийте Путіна в унітаз

Kyiv's Maidan square from the air

Unless you’re currently watching RT, you probably noticed that Russia has launched a brutal invasion of Ukraine. Besides being a dickheaded move, this poorly planned, ever-bloodier war of aggression against Russia’s putative “brother” country has caused lots of collateral damage. I have several Ukrainian friends who are beside themselves with worry about their family members. There’s also reason to fear a wider conflict. However, not all is lost—it’s Bandcamp Friday, and several artists have sick records out that you should consider supporting today.

nug is a post-metal band from Ivano-Frankivsk. Their crushing 2020 release Alter Ego might have slipped by you in 2020, but now’s your chance to get a healthy bite of this sludgy riff salad and chip in to support five dudes in a city currently under attack. Lviv’s Pušča has a two-song album called war is hell out that caught NPR’s attention. This fantastic release features harrowing shrieks and mournful cleans mostly sung in French. Svrm keeps it coming—recent LP Червів майбутня здобич is as good as anything this mysterious black metal act has ever put out. Even Russian jazz nomads are getting in on the act. Uhadish Distage “want to make it clear they are against the war and want to help in any way they can.” They’ll be donating all proceeds from re-released collaboration В лучах солнца to antiwar efforts. Lastly, Germany’s Kanonenfieber has a single out called “Stop the War,” the proceeds of which will support mutual aid for Ukraine.

Fuck war. Buy metal. Путін хуйло. And now, for a recap of this week.

Snøgg from Slovenia unleashed a literary monster:

365 keeps mining gold from a rich vein of video breakdowns:

Spear hath reviewed Hath:

And eenzy sat down again with Noise to discuss Kanonenfieber und mehr:

That’s all for this week of Toiletry. Розкажіть нам, що є хорошим, поганим і потворним нижче!

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