
Blessings be, booty boys!

Do you remember the song that made you pick up your instrument of choice? I know I do.

I’ve always thought that bass is neat. The low-end rumble that shakes the floor at a concert, hose deep, chunky fills and solos, the range of notes available, the fact that I can hide my low IQ under roots and fifths, all of it just seemed like it would be so satisfying. I really got into metal through doom/sludge/stoner, which has no shortage of incredible bassists. Al Cisneros of Sleep, Jack Donovan of Elder, Geezer Butler of Black Sabbath, all of these guys just astonished me with how much they added to their respective bands. I had considered learning bass for years, but had always found some reason to talk myself out of it. I’d tell myself “It’s probably too expensive,” or “I don’t think I’d actually be any good at it,” or “My tinnitus is bad enough as it is.”

But then I heard it.

The riff.

The tone, the atmosphere, the vocals, everything about this song hit perfectly. I couldn’t get enough of that riff and eventually decided that if “Dixie” Dave Collins could get up on stage as drunk/high as he is and play those kinds of riffs, then my straightedge self could do it sober. I bought myself a Fender Rumble 25 and an Ibanez Gio and made sure this was the first riff I learned.

I’ve had the opportunity to see Weedeater twice now and got to meet each of them. It was an honor to be able to shake the hand of the man who got me started and thank him for inspiring me to try something new. If you get the chance to see these fellas, I wholeheartedly encourage you to take it. They always put on a great show and tour pretty relentlessly, so they’re not hard to catch.

Tell us, toileteers, do you play an instrument? Do you remember the riff/song that got you started? And, most importantly, are you ready to flush? Of course you are!

Hans hands us a track premier from Noxis with album art that looks like a dude getting used as a dish of human monkey bread:

Track Premiere: Noxis – “Emanations of the Sick”

Brock reminds us that we miss 100% of the disso we don’t take:

The Diss(o) You Miss(o)

Sepulcrustacean lives up to their name by bringing us a review of the new Coffin Curse:

Review: Coffin Curse – The Continuous Nothing

Joe  and 365 tell us just how much they love a certain record label on this ‘sode of Toilet Radio:

Toilet Radio 497 – Nuclear Ass

365 also premiers a brand new music video from Electrocutioner:

Video Premiere: Electrocutioner – Heaven’s Gate

Come marvel at our many minis:

Mini Reviews From Around the Bowl (5/23/24)

We’ve dropped quite the deuce this week, so if you haven’t had a chance to read any of these articles (I myself have missed a few), be sure to do so! We’re always glad to have you. Let’s hear those G/B/U’s!

G: Life has slowed down a little bit and given me some time to get back into some old hobbies.

B: One of them is Magic: the Gathering, which means my bank account will soon be empty.

U: The mysterious yellow ooze that appeared in my refrigerator, the source of which cannot be determined.

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