
Flush It Friday: New Sac Just Dropped!


The Son doth make to shine upon our undeserving species once more. Privolva, a follow-up to Dane’s ambient record Levania, released yesterday, and per usual, I learned something while digging in. Privolvia is based on Somnium, a novel written by Johannes Kepler in 1608 that is considered one of the earliest works of science fiction—as it’s based on the concept of what Earth would look like if viewed from the moon. Simply sonsational!

Riff Raff returns with a highly-anticipated response to the other podcast’s Best Songs ov 2022 ‘sode:

Hans got raw with this multidimensional review of the latest from Vahrzaw:

Tiny, tasty treats? It must be MINIS:

TheoBomb and Úzkost are sick to death of police violence. Check this premiere and get angry:

What’s your favorite sci-fi novel/movie? Let me know along with your G/B/Us below! ~<3 Roldy

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