Flush It Friday: South by South Wrest
Welcome back to Flush It Friday, our weekly exercise in bitching about that which irks us and celebrating that which does not vex us.
THE BAD: I live in Austin. It’s a pretty cool place if you can stand the extreme heat, terrible traffic, and endless white foolishness. Once a year this city fills up to beyond bursting with hordes of drunk, entitled adults with giant badges covering the entirety of their atrophied chests. They all come for South by Southwest, a yearly exercise in corporate branding, dehydration, and waste. Austin is a party town and I fully get it. But this is how I feel when the entire city is shut down because Frito Lay built a goddamn 2-block wide Doritos vending machine in the middle of downtown.
THE GOOD: I got a promo of the new Deez Nuts album. Expect a review. In the meantime, it got me all like:
It’s your turn to share below. Friday forever.