Flush it Friday: The Cat’s Into the Nest


That’s how the old idiom goes innit? No? Ok. Anyways, after a long time of being catless, I will soon no longer be catless. By this time next month, I will have a fuzzy companion critter to spoil and do nose boops with and have not use anything that I buy for it (but instead, the packaging in which those things arrived). I’ve never had a fur-baby under my own care before, and I am genuinely stoked to adopt a friend in need. If you all have any pro cat tips, please share in the comments below. Also, check out these cool cats (besides me, I would never say that about myself!).

I helped, ft. Vaelmyst:

Premiere: Vaelmyst – “Ghoulish Delight”

The only Domination Campaign I see is this F L U S H from Spear:

Review: Domination Campaign – Onward To Glory

Karhu‘s latest roundup is wickit PI$$A:

July Roundup of Black, Death & Industrial Punk

Joe TnK with a descrotinizing premiere from Disimperium:

BRUTAL EP PREMIERE: Disimperium – Malefic Obliteration

A Spooky Mansion tackled the melting permafrost of Darkthrone and black metal in general:

Review: Darkthrone – Eternal Hails……

G/B/Us go below. Also, extra cat pics this time around. For me.

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