Premiere: Alustrium – “United in Enmity”


Big new jams to start off the week

Friends, I’m not going to mince words here: I’ve been looking forward to new Alustrium for some time now, and hearing that a new EP is on the way is some of the best news to come out of this rotten year. I stand by A Tunnel to Eden as one of the best death metal albums of 2015; it’s a great example of skilled musicians putting melody and groove ahead of instrumental showboating. It’s an album that is equal parts headbanging and flashy, a good well-rounded listen for anyone into death metal.

That songwriting philosophy has carried over into “United in Enmity,” the tune we’re bringing to you today. Five years of growth as musicians is evident here, but so is the wear and stress we’ve all experienced. Says guitarist Mike DeMaria of the song:

“United in Enmity” is about the fear and anger people have experienced over the past several years, exacerbated by the pandemic and racial injustice, that has polarized us. It’s about the echo chambers that we put ourselves in to feel safer, and the fights we pick in an attempt to convince ourselves that we’re in the right. Musically, it’s one of the more dynamic tracks off the EP weaving acoustic guitars and soaring melodies with neck-breaking riffs and grooves.

That lyrical tension bleeds into the music itself; melodic as it is, it’s also heavy as all hell, throwing out monster low-end riffing and melancholy chords and leads in equal measure. Subtle counterpoint adds tons of texture under the soaring melodies, and there’s some impressive bass work that creeps its way to the forefront throughout as well. Fans of acts such as Black Crown Initiate and Beyond Grace will feel right at home with this one.

Insurmountable is out on November 16th, and you can preorder it on Bandcamp. Keep an eye on Alustrium’s Facebook page for more details about the release.

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