Free Metal Detector: Support The Environment With This Massive Hypnotic Dirge Compilation


The Depths of The Abyss Know No Bounds.

You may, or may not, be aware that running a record label does have something of an environmental impact. It may not be huge, but printing CD’s (or LP’s for that matter) as well as merch and shipping them all over the world does not only come with an economical, but also ecological costs.

The good people of Saskatoon, Canada -based Hypnotic Dirge are aware of this, and to counter this they’ve released a compilation called The Depths of The Abyss Knows No Bounds and 100% of the money donated for this name-your-price compilation will go to an organization called 350.

“350 is building a global grassroots climate movement that can hold our leaders accountable to the realities of science and the principles of justice”.

That movement is rising from the bottom up all over the world, and is uniting to create the solutions that will ensure a better future for all. Our online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public actions bring together a global network active in over 188 countries.” Visit here for more detailed information.

This massive 3+ hour compilation gathered from both recent and upcoming releases from the labels roster, is bound to have something for you. From the Tapir-approved, vivid, blackened, proggy and doomy stylings of Vin De Tria Mix, or Vladimir Poutine heralded Altars of Grief through the funeral-ish Eye of Solitude to the atmoblack of Chiral or a brand new track from the improving Kval.

Whatever your angle, you should throw a few cents at least, in Hypnotic Dirge‘s way.

Art by Cory Trevor

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