
Lifelover To Play First Show In North America This November


And possibly their only show in North America.

messe de morts

Depressive metallers Lifelover will be making their North American live debut at the Messe des Morts Festival in Montreal, Quebec Canada in late November. The band, whose founder/guitarist/vocalist Jonas “B” Bergqvist died of an overdose in 2011, have decided to honor their fallen band mate with a select number of international shows. If you’ve ever wanted to see them, this may be your only chance.

The band’s blackened mournful sounds will fit in well with this three-day bummerfest, which in past years has included Samael, Shining (SWE), Merrimack, and Mitochondrion. Lifelover are not the only band to play in North America for the first time on this fest. They will be joined by Ondskapt, Hypothermia, Blacklodge, and for the first time in Canada, Satanic Warmaster.

More bands are still to be confirmed. 3-Day passes can be purchased here.

You can prepare for sadness with their 2011 album “Sjukdom”:

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