Live Vicariously Through These Full Live Concert Sets from Pyrrhon, Bölzer, Wiegedood, and Nine Inch Nails


Some of us go to metal shows every week. Some of us don’t have a lot of disposable income and/or live in a live music desert. This post is for those of you in the second camp.

I haven’t been to a live show since December. Lately, it has seemed that the only bands that come through town are nü-metal and deathcore acts. Thankfully for me, YouTube and other streaming services have made it extremely easy to watch bands play full live sets in the comfort of my own home. I can both drink beer while watching a killer performance AND sit around in my underwear! Plus, I don’t leave the venue reeking of sweat, smoke, and shame! What a bargain! So, join me, my fellow armchair headbangers, and rock out with your sock out to these full live sets.

Pyrrhon – June 18th, 2015

Pyrrhon‘s recent EP, Growth Without End has been rocking a number of our cubicles and will surely make Ed’s best of 2015 list. A number of our writers have also gotten to see the tenebrous titans live, and by all accounts, they put on quite the show. This full set from Saint Vitus Bar in New York was filmed by Frank Huang of Pit Full of Shit, an expert filmographer for live metal shows. You can check out his work on Apex VI here. Also, in case you missed it, read Ed’s interview with Doug Moore here. You can snag Growth Without End here.


Bölzer – May 25, 2014

Much has been made around these parts of Bölzer, and for good reason. The two-piece is able to summon some of the most devilish riffs this side of the Mississippi and sound absolutely massive live. How can two people make that much noise? I have no idea, but I like to imagine that the duo’s music is actually a pagan ritual channeling the spirit of the Fenris wolf. The immense volume is just a precursor to the lupine nemesis’ jaws swallowing the sun. Don’t believe me? Check out this full set from last year’s Maryland Death Fest. If you look really closely, you can see Tyree. Hurry up and release a full-length, dudes.


Wiegedood – May, 2015

Every few millennia, when the stars align properly, a new band utterly knocks it out of the park with a debut album. This is the case of trio Wiegedood‘s 2015 release De Doden Hebben Het Goed, a tour de force of screeching, arboreal black metal. True, the band leverages some experience from Amenra, Hessian, and more, but I haven’t been entranced by a debut release like this in quite some time. The band celebrated their triumphant premier in style too by rocking out in a Belgian church called Broelkapel Kortrijk. I dare you to name something more rad than that.


Nine Inch Nails – August 13, 1994

And now for something classic. Nine Inch Nails‘ set at Woodstock has gone down in history as a triumph, and thanks to the high definition film from the event, it’s easy to see why. NIN has always been adept at rearranging their relatively poppy songs to sound extremely heavy live, and this footage captures the band in its most depressive, nihilistic period of output. Still need convincing? Just watch this extract featuring the song “Reptile” to see how Reznor and co. level a venue. I would sell both of my kidneys to travel back in time to this moment.

P.S. It’s a bit weird to me Lisa Presley is the one who introduces the band before this set.

Have you been enraptured by some live concert footage? Share it below!

(Photo taken by Stefaan Temmerman and VIA)

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