Muscle and Marrow Is No More

(THE MINISTER steps to the podium. Behind him, and to the left, a slideshow of family photos of Kira Clark and Keith McGraw progresses on an older LCD screen. “Amazing Grace” plays quietly in the background.)
MINISTER: Dear family, friends, and loved ones. It is with heavy heart that we gather here today to mourn the sad passing of Muscle and Marrow, a beloved friend, a nurturing sister, and a talented musical duo. In life, they brought us joy and sorrow and the full spectrum of feeling between. In death, they unite us and… What’s that? You, in the back, speak a little louder please?
ATTENDANT #1: They’re not actually dead!
MINISTER: Not dead? But I read the obituary Clark posted on Facebook and everything!
(The Minster steps back to the laptop running the PowerPoint slides and, after fiddling with the slideshow progression for a few seconds, opens Microsoft Edge.)
ATTENDANT #1: You should really be using Mozilla!
(The crowd begins to argue over whether Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox is the better web browser. One elderly attendee suggests Netscape Navigator.)
MINISTER: Please, take it easy! This is no way to honor the dead!
(The Minister browses to and locates the page for Muscle and Marrow. He begins reading the most recent post.)
Some major announcements:
Muscle and Marrow is no more. As some of you know we’ve spent the last two years hiding out and working on a record. We are finally nearly finished. As the writing process began to take shape it became clear it wouldn’t make sense to continue as Muscle and Marrow…
MINISTER: SEE!?!?! DEAD! D-E-A- (continues reading.)
because we have written a pop record. We hope it’s a strange, complex, sad and smart pop record but it is a synth pop record nonetheless.
MINISTER: Oh (frowns.) Got dammit.
(The Minister glances over at the casket and notices, for the first time that it’s empty. He continues reading the post.)
There are so many reasons why this happened. First we genuinely enjoy pop music. I also want the freedom to inhabit other kinds of characters. It was hard being heartbroken all the time. Also to be transparent I need to be around more women and femmes. It is necessary for my emotional health and growth as an artist and person. We want to thank everyone who has ever come to a show or said anything kind to us. It was such a huge and important period in our lives. Starting over is unbelievably frightening but also freeing. We plan to record the record in July and play some local Portland shows this summer before moving to New York. We hope you continue to follow us as So Sensitive. If not we will miss you and thank you for all your support thus far. I believe pop can be as emotionally resonant as other kinds of music. I am determined to try to make this so at least. Our new band page is below and we hope you’ll “like” the page to continue on this weird journey with us. From the bottom of our scared and excited little hearts thank you
MINISTER: Well, hey, this isn’t bad news at all! What are you people so sad about? Love, the band’s last record, was practically a pop album already, as much Marissa Nadler as it was Mares of Thrace. Surely leaning into that pop aesthetic will only expand Clark’s wide-ranging palette of expression!
ATTENDANT #2: Oh, like The Body on No One Deserves Happiness or Devin Townsend‘s later discography?
MINISTER: Yes, exactly! Man, how good was Casualties of Cool???
ATTENDANT #3: (From the back of the room) It stinks!
MINISTER: (Frowning)… Well, anyway, this sounds like a great thing for Muscle and Marrow. Even if it was lighter than The Human Cry, Love rocked my ass. I just love Clark’s singing! I have all faith that So Sensitive will still rule butts.
(The crowd of black-tee-clad mourners grows restless. Sensing he’s losing them, the Minister produces a gavel, inexplicably hidden behind the podium.)
MINISTER: Anyway, I can’t wait to hear what Clark and McGraw have in store. Funeral DISMISSED! (slams gavel)
There’s no new music yet from So Sensitive, but that new record should be out any day now. In the meantime, you can still jam Love and buy it from The Flenser here.