New Music Roundup: Fuck The Facts, Cult of Endtime, Helloween, De Lirium’s Oder, Speedtrap, Pyramaze, A.R.G and The Body


Hey! Guess what? Some new music that you probably-maybe-perhaps have not listened to yet is out, again. I know, what a pain in the ass to be offered so much great music for absolutely nothing on a nearly daily basis. I’d do myself in too if I was as miserable as you. The good news, unlike you, I didn’t have to listen to any of this, I just compiled it all into a neat little package for your listening displeasure.

Canadian “bastardized grindcore” act Fuck The Facts is putting out a split with Fistfuck on May 12th, you can pre-order the thing for really cheap over at Bandcamp where you can also stream “Skid Etiquette” or you can go to Soundcloud for “Nukestalgia”. Judging by these two tracks they continue on the same dark and furious path “Abused” left them on, except being more furious and more grind-like. If you’re not familiar with FTF then fuck you get on it. But hey, don’t take my word for it, here’s what our very own Spear had to say about “Abused”: “GOD DAAAAYUM”.

(You could also check the Fistfuck side of the split here.)

Were you left disappointed by Helloween’s first sample-track from their latest horrible cover art euro-power masterpiece? Me too. Luckily “Battle’s Won” is much, much better. I am not a big power metal fan, but Helloween is the perfect soundtrack for the annual “Be Happy For An Hour”-day and luckily “My God-Given Right”, an album as horribly named as illustrated, seems to make no difference. It will be released on Nuclear Blast on the 29th day of May and will mark a record for the band by being the first time Helloween releases five albums with the same line-up.

More good news for all you power metal freak-ios. Pyramaze, the band formerly harboring Matt Barlow and Lance King, is back. With a new vocalist called Terje Harøy. He does his job nice-enough but I guess fans of previous vocalist will not like this because Matt Barlow has a hard time singing more than two sentences in a row boo-hoo. Disciples of the Sun will be out April 22nd and you can listen to “Fearless” here. I’m still not a fan and I’ll probably never play this track again, but it’s pretty good for what it is.

There’s a new EP, called “The Tears of Job” that a band called The Body put out for all the good people who helped out in times of trouble by donating money towards a new touring van. You can listen to at least two different songs of it online but none can say for how long (these were, most likely, not downloaded by legitimate parties). So if you are interested in the slightest you should maybe get on it, like right now.

A Finnish death/thrash band called A.R.G (or Ancient Rotten Graveguards) are putting out a new album “Redemption from Refaim”, some 24 years after their last one. You can listen to “Equilibrium”, the first track to be thrown into daylight, here. The album will be out on 29th of May. So that’s cool.

If you haven’t checked out the speed metal patrol, Speedtrap, then now is the hour. Svart Records will put out their new album on Sep 11th but the first single “Straight Shooter is already streaming and it’s pretty neat no-bullshit metal to get a speeding ticket to. Motörhead attitude, pre-teen Halford vocals and catchy biker attitude for riffs. Need I say more?

Svart Records is on it. Cult of Endtime is a damn gnarly death metal unit working hard to rip your head off. I can’t quite put my finger on all their flourishes, which I guess is good. There’s an old school feel here, but no Entombedcore to be found for miles. There’s an Occult-atmosphere and occasional keyboard presence that give the “Cairns On Mercury” a very blackened feel, despite being death metal in construction. In Charnel Lights will be released on May 29th.

In Charnel Lights will feature contributions from drummer Tiera of the recently discussed Kuolemanlaakso, but he has unfortunately left Cult of Endtime.

Do you remember the ancient days when Tech-Death Thursday was still operational and I wrote a little quest blurb about De Lirium’s Order, a tech-death band who enslaved the weedilies and the deedilies and forced them to work for their songs, while weaving constant melodies and semi-thrashy riffs to the body of their work? Sometimes it was hard to forget just how stellar their playing was, because of all the catchy stuff going on, but back when they released their debut “Victim No.52”, inspired by “the Rostov Ripper and the likes”, they were a different beast.

The skill is already there but there are no weedilies or deedilies. This is very Brutal Death/Thrash with an odd melodic sensibility. The album has been sold out for a long time and now Woodcut records has finally re-released it. If the title track an “Through The Eyes Of A Murderer” don’t make you want to trash the world into teeny-tiny pieces then I don’t know who I am anymore. I think I can say without stretching too much that this is in my top ten metal albums of all time.

Yes, I said it. SUCK ON IT PLEB!

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