Noisem To Hit The Road In February


Noisem rapidly made a name for themselves as one of the premier bands in the US death metal scene, and that was when most of the members were just teenagers. I remember seeing these dudes utterly destroy a record shop last August and I think I might still be a little bit deaf from that show. Noisem are not to be fucked with.

So now everyone’s favorite Baltimore death metal masters are hitting the road again for a week’s worth of dates with DC metallic punk stalwarts Ilsa. If the poster is to be believed (And trust me, it is) every single show on this run is going to be sick. Sure there aren’t many dates, but the ones that there are are bound to be memorable. These are going to be among the bands’ last dates until August, so as the old saying goes – be there or be square!


February 12th: Baltimore, MD @ Ottobar

February 13th: Philadelphia, PA @ Kung Fu Necktie

February 14th: SECRET SHOW!!!

February 15th: New York, New York @ St Vitus (With Coffins)

February 16th: Montclair, New Jersey @ Meatlocker

Noisem Tour

(Image Via)
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