Photo Chop: 12th Edition



Infernal hails, disciples ov the flush. The old Photo Chop office scene you’re so used to seeing here has been destroyed in a furious kvlt attack of shadowfire and ashwind. Let us rejoice in the destruction of the old so we can revel in the creation of the new… and then destroy it all over again in a beautiful hatedeath cycle of burning shit down.


But before we begin chopping for a new age ov darkness, let’s first congratulate W. for his well-intentioned campaign in the 11th Edition to rock the vote by recruiting a noted yeah enthusiast to help out a noted email concealer.


Nicely done W., be sure to get in touch with Papa Joe to see if your victory has shaken anything loose from his magic prize desk, which may or may not have been the desk from the old Photo Chop office, in which case feel free to rummage through the ashes for a few melted & charred CDs.


Now, on to your assignment for this edition: silhouettes.

Use only silhouettes or black shapes in the foreground to complete the ridiculously metal scene below. Extra points go to anyone who incorporates a mead horn. Or a ninja. Automatic win goes to anyone who ‘chops in a ninja drinking from a mead horn.

Stab to embiggen (via)

Stab to embiggen (via)

The rules:

  • Keep it safe for work
  • Be creative & use whatever tools you want; “talent” or “skill” is not required
  • Post your entry in a new Disqus comment below
  • Entries will be judged on the number of upvotes they receive
  • The winner will be announced in the following edition and probably won’t win anything

(images via via)

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