Post Your Favorite Album Art of the Century


It’s time for another world-shaking bracket. Here’s your chance to get your submission in for competition.

Some dumbass once said that art is a competition. The fool. The coward. Does he not realize that EVERYTHING is a competition? We do. Which is why we’re starting up the engines for another colossal bracket to crumble the very foundations of the metalsphere. We wanna determine the best metal artwork from the year 2000 to right now.

Don’t give me any of that old shit. We all know that Kill Em All and Screaming for Vengeance are unstoppable classics. We only want the new shit. What album cover released over the last 18 years kicks the most ass?

It doesn’t have to be your favorite album (or even an album you like tbh), just amazing cover art from a siqqq artist. All you gotta do is post your favorite post-2000 album art in the comments with the name of the artist. We’ll compile some of the best of your posts alongside writer favorites and get this train rolling. Happy arting, folks.

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