Premiere: Black Knife – “Screaming From the Depths of Hell”


“A distant scream falls on deaf ears. You hear the chains drag on rusted floors as you are lost in the endless abyss of Hell. A swirling creature of smoke and shadow rips your soul apart as you are lost in the fragments of your reality. You are screaming from the depths of Hell.”

Wise Blood Records brought us new releases from Graveripper and Bloodletter this summer, and they are apparently not done bringing us the fast. We’re cranking up the volume and plummeting the IQ today with a new single from Black Knife in “Screaming From the Depths of Hell.” This right here is fuck-you punk at its finest; it’s equal parts punk, thrash, and black metal musically, but it’s all about the vibe, man, the vibe. If you’ve never played or been to a basement show, this right here is what it feels like. It’s raucous, it’s headbanging, it sounds like way too many folks crammed into a tight space and slamming into each other on a combination of booze and your pick of controlled substances. The campy horror movie theme adds another layer of fun to the mix as well, right in time for spooky season. If you’ve ever enjoyed a Venom or Abigail tune, you will fuck with this immensely.

I can’t talk about this single without talking about the video itself, too. This was filmed at Healer in Indianapolis, featuring the art of XXX. It’s a simple panning shot of several of the pieces, all of which are trippy animatronic entities featuring animal skulls and fungi and the like. I don’t think I can adequately describe everything that shows up onscreen at any given point, but suffice to say that the video itself is totally worth the watch along with the tune itself. But anyway, enough pontificating: stream the tune right here, right now.

Baby Eater Witch releases on October 30th via Wise Blood Records

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